Page:A Child of the Jago - Arthur Morrison.djvu/243

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anythin' 'ud bin gawn I 'd 'a' missed it. But out 'e goes as soon as 'e comes back: you can take yer davy o' that!"

"Ah," replied Mr. Weech, "it's fearful the wickedness there is about, ain't it? It's enough to break yer 'art. Sich a neighb'r'ood too! W'y, if it was known as I'd give you this 'ere little friendly information, bein' in business meself an' knowin' wot it is, my life wouldn't be safe a hower. It wouldn't Mr. Grinder."

"Wouldn't it?" said Mr. Grinder. "You mean them in the Jago, I s'pose."

"Yus. They're a awful lot, Mr. Grinder—you've no idear. The father o' this 'ere boy as I've warned you aginst, 'e's in with a desprit gang, an' they 'd murder me if they thought I 'd come an' told you honest, w'en you might 'a' bin robbed, as is my nature to. They would indeed. So o' course you won't say wot I told yer, nor 'oo give you this 'ere honourable, friendly warnin'—not to nobody."