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A Chinese Biographical Dictionary 657

occasion when Hsi! Eaang was extolling his exploits above those of the famous foander of the Han dynasty, he quietly remarked that he was only fit to be a subordinate of that great man. ^*But with the Emperor Kuang Wu," he added, "I might possibly venture to ride abreast." He received the unauthorised canonisation of ^ ^ with the temple name of "j^ jjQ. .

Lu ^ ij^. 3rd cent. B.C. An engineer, who flourished 1721 under the First Emperor, and constructed a canal 60 It in length, with 86 locks, through the mountainous country of |^ |||r Hai- yang in Euangtung. It was known as the ^ ^ , and was subsequently lengthened and used for military purposes by the famous general Ma Jung.

Shih Mi-ytlan ^ ^ Ig. Died A.D. 1283. A native of Ningpo, 1722 and son of a distinguished official named Shih j^ Hao. He graduated as chin $hih in 1187, and after boldly opposing the powerful Han T'o-chou, rose by 1208 to be a Minister of State. Three years later he cleared the reputation of Chao Ju-yu, and caused Chu Hsi and other disgraced dead statesmen to be rehabili- tated. On the death of the Emperor Ming Tsung, he set Li Tsung upon the throne, and the grateful Emperor would never hear a word against him. He ruled autocratically until his death, shortly before which he was ennobled as Prince. Canonised as J^ j^. Shih Miao ^ ^ . 2ud cent. A.D. A Magistrate under the Han 1723 dynasty, notorious for his meanness. On giving up office, he carried off a calf which had recently been born in the official stables, urging that it was not there when he took over the seals. Shih Nai-yen t^^^- 13th cent. A.D. The reputed author 1724 of the romantic novel known as the ^ '^ "^li . See La Kuan-- chung. Shih Pao :^ ^ (T. ^^ ^). Died A.D. 272. An official under 1725

the Wu and Chin dynasties, specially distinguished for his correct-