Page:A Collection of 180 Loyal Songs.djvu/6

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The Preface.

ineffectual. Divine Herbert has it excellently expreſt, where he ſays,

A Verſe may find him who a Sermon flies,
And turn Delight into a Sacrifice.

It cannot be imagined how many ſcatter’d Flocks this melodious Tingling hath reduced to their Princely Hives, who otherwiſe had never been brought under the Diſcipline of Obedience or Government.

And, without oſtentation I may ſay, I printed my News-Papers and divers other Pamphlets (that always vindicated the King and Government) to undeceive the People, who were daily impos’d upon by Curtis, Smith, Harris, Care, Vile, Baldwin, Janeway, &c. when no body elſe would or durſt. For This the malice of the Factious Party ſwell’d ſo high againſt me, that They, with the aſſiſtance of a certain Inſtrument, (who ſwore through two Brick-walls before Oates appear’d,) cauſed me to be impriſon’d ſix times, ſo that for above ſix years I was never