Page:A Collection of Esoteric Writings.djvu/120

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appear as a material substance to some particular persons (wise men) when it has existed from the unknown and unknowable time! How can it be possible that a material thing, unless compelled and then drawn back by some living-force, should stop of itself as described in the Bible? We are of opinion that the star in question is nothing but spirit and is identical with the entity meant in the Revelation. It is as if it were a condensed spirit (vîz. Soul); and this star ought to be taken as the real Christ, the Saviour and the guide.

4.—To call the powers ascribed to Christ, physical or metaphysical, is sheer ignorance and an insult to Spirit. Hitherto many adepts have been seen and heard of, to possess extraordinary powers of various kinds, more marvellous than those described in the Bible; and these were all spiritual. The Tantras, Yoga and other Aryan occult works will tell how they can be acquired. We have already stated that, unless a spiritual commentary is added to the Bible, it is worse than useless to a follower of Theosophy; and no spiritual benefit whatever can ensure from it, except perhaps the idea of an imaginary and external "Heaven and Hell."

5.—The Old Testament is the Karma Kanda; and the New Testament, the Gyana Kanda of Theosophy. Those only who have prepared themselves after going through the routine of the Old Testament are entitled to practise the teachings of the New Testament; and not the schoolboys or the low castemen to whom it is now-a-days offered by the missionaries. The former, i. e., boys and low castes, are not fit persons for it.

In conclusion, we earnestly request Mr. Oxley, who have been so good as to take such a kind notice of the Bhagavat-Gita, and who is so eminently qualified for the task; and also appeal to the fellows of the Theosophical Society, who have spiritual Gurus to consult, and with whom they ought to communicate on the subject, to take in hand this arduous task of interpreting the Bible esoterically. For, nothing will better help the growth of Theosophy in both East and West.