Page:A Collection of Esoteric Writings.djvu/181

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mayakosa, as a division is made after death between the lower part of the mind, as it were, which has a closer affinity with the 4th principle than with the sixth and its higher part, which attaches itself to the latter and which is in fact the basis for the higher spiritual individuality of man.

We may also here point out to our readers that the classification mentioned in the last column is for all practical purposes connected with Raja Yoga, the best and simplest. Though there are 7 principles in man, there are but 3 distinct Upadhis, in each of which his Atma may work independently of the rest. These 3 Upadhis can be separated by an adept without killing himself. He cannot separate the 7 principles from each other without destroying his constitution.


happy mr. henry kiddle's discovery.

I have been watching with considerable interest the effect produced on the Western Public by Mr. Sinnett's book on "Esoteric Buddhism;" and I have not been disappointed in my expectations. There is nothing surprising in the attitude of the Spiritualists towards Theosophy and its Teachers. Startled by the strange phenomena—erroneously called spirit manifestations, which have been witnessed during the last few years, the majority of the so-called Spiritualists have firmly persuaded themselves into the belief that those manifestations indicate a turning point in the history of mankind, that they are destined to introduce into the world a sublime system of religous philosophy which will supplant every other existing system whether in the East or in the West, and that for the first time in the annals of this globe man is being permitted through the instrumentality of the manifestations to have a glimpse into the mysterious inner world. Thy are not probably aware of the fact, or they are extremely unwilling to believe, that these phenomena were known in the East for long ages and that their mysterious causes were carefully studied by esoteric mystics. They are evidently offended at being told that these phenomena are rather stale to the Eastern nations; that there is nothing very profound either