Page:A Collection of Esoteric Writings.djvu/279

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To whosoever desires to display this process by way of symbol, says the author speaking of the ansasted cross, the Tau of the Egyptians and the Christian cross—"it would be by the figure of the cube unfolded in connection with the circle whose measure is taken off on to the edges of the cube. The cube unfolded becomes in superficial display a cross proper, or of the tau form, and the attachment of the circle to this last, gives the ansated cross of the Egyptians with its obvious meaning of the Origin of Measures.*[1] Because this kind of measure was also made to co-ordinate with the idea of the origin of life, it was made to assume the type of the hermaphrodite, and in fact it is placed by representation to cover this part of the human person in the Hindu form..." [It is "the hermaphrodite Indranse Indra, the nature goddess, the Issa of the Hebrews, and the Isis of the Egyptians," as the author calls them in another place.]" . . . It is very observable, that while there are but six faces to a cube, the representation of the cross as the cube unfolded as to the cross bars displays one face of the cube as common to two bars, counted as belonging to either; then, while the faces originally represented are but six, the use of the two bars counts the square as four for the upright and three for the cross bar, making seven in all. Here we have the famous four, three and seven again, the four and three on the factor members of the Parker (quadrature and of the "three revolving bodies") problem" . . . (pp. 50 and 51.)

And they are the factor members in the building of the Universe and Man. Wittoba,—an aspect of Krishna and Vishnu—is therefore the "man crucified in space," or the "cube unfolded," as explained (See Moore's Pantheon, for Wittoba).

  1. * And by adding to to the cross proper + the symbol of the four cardinal points and infinity at the sam time, thus , the arms pointing above, below, and right, and left, making six in the circle—the Archaic sign of the Yomas—it vroald make of it the Swastika, the "sacred sign" used by the order of "Ishmael masons," which they call the Universal Hermetic Cross, and do not understand its real wisdom, nor know its origin.