Page:A Collection of Hymns (Wesley).djvu/18

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10 Ewhorting Sinners to return to God.

3 Whoever receives The life-giving word, In Jesus believes, His God and his Lord ; In him a pure river Of life shall arise ; Shall, in the believer, Spring up to the skies.

4 My God and my Lord! Thy call I obey ; My soul on thy Word Of promise I stay : Thy kind invitation I gladly embrace, Athirst for salvation, Salvation by grace.

5 O hasten the hour, Send down from above The Spirit of power, Of health, and of love: Of filial fear, Of knowledge and grace ; \ Of wisdom and prayer, Of joy and of praise : 6 The Spirit of faith, Of faith in thy blood, [God; Which saves us from wrath, And brings us to | Removes the huge mountain Of indwelling sin, And opens a fountain, That washes us clean. .

HYMN 4. L. M.

| | O! every one that thirsts, draw nigh;” CTis God invites the fallen race ;)

  • < Mercy and free salvation buy ;

Buy wine, and milk, and gospel grace 2 “* Come to the living waters, come! ° 9 Sinners, obey your Maker’s call ; Return, ye weary wanderers, home ; And find my grace is free for ALL. 3 ** See from the Rock a fountain rise !

For you in healing streams it rolls ; Money ye need not bring, nor price, Ye labouring, burden’d, sin-sick souls. 4 “* Nothing ye in exchange shall give, Leave all you have and are behind ; Frankly the gift of God receive, Pardon and peace in Jesus find.