Page:A Collection of Hymns (Wesley).djvu/532

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tively few persons; whilst it brings into use, for the first time, a number of his compositions not inferior to those which he himself published. The Preachers will here find hymns adapted to various subjects on which they address the people; and our fine occasional hymns, which were seldom used, because not in the hands of the congregations generally, will be ready for festival occasions; and will be found in many instances adapted also, at least in some of their stanzas, to general use. As several of the hymns in this collection are selected from the papers of Mr. Charles Wesley above referred to, and have not before been published, a copy-right is established in this Supplement; and all pirated editions are rendered liable to legal process. To guard against such attempts to turn to private profit, what is sacredly applied to the support of the work of God, this collection has been regularly entered at Stationers' Hall.

London, Nov 9, 1830.