Page:A Collection of Treaties, Engagements and Sanads relating to India and Neighbouring Countries Vol 1.djvu/28

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PartI United Proifttn cit Agra tad Oadb- Rampur. 3 Alimiid Li Khan died in 1839. The uccesion of his wily daughter was reeete& and the next heir, Muhammad Said Kliari. the CILLCSt son oF Gbulam Muhammad IChan ‘vtsput mn passesswn of the State. An Engagement (No. VI) was taken Iroin hint ia 1 84o Lital he would govern his State rightly, and provide for the inferior RelLilla Chi&s- A similar EnagcmeaL (Now Vii) was taken iii IS55 IL’OIlT Muhammad Yusu( AU IChac, tht eldest son and successor ci Nubaniniad Said Kha:i For his services during the rebellion ci iS5, Muhammad uissui Mi [(ban received in t8&o a grantor land (No VliI) vkldäig Ks. i2S,27-4-o.. It was at rirst proposed to cede the pargaca of Kau.pur hut icr greater compactness villages on the Moradabad amu] BareiUy Frontier wew afterwards substituted. An ‘rroroeeurrcui in the ailoc.ment of a pcrtio:i of this Iand ow[iig to the similarity in the name of some villages situ;ed respee. tWeIy within British and Rampur limits1 but this was subseqi.tentty l,itz ,8i4)rect]lied by an Agreement (No. IX). In ternis of the grant, dated the 7th November 1SG4 these villages were assigned in Full soverrig&y U with only this stipulation that exisLing riglaful tenures were to be rcsiiccted+” in 1854 the Nawab ceded to the’ Brtishi GOv!1rLlItW&I in full sovereignty the laud required for the railway to he constructed tlirotigh hic jagir, and also a&reed to exempt from duly aN traUc pas!ng through his territory (Nos. X and XI). in Sgi the Darbar agreed to eoiitribute a loan of Rs 47,OOOOO Lowards the construction oi a sLand.trd gauge line from i3areilly, viS Rampur, to Moruhihad, giving the land reqLlirCfl free ni cost1 and ceding to the British Government full jiuisdiction within the limhs of the railway. Muhanirnad Yosul Li was created a Knight of thEe Order ci the Star ci IndiaT and was itt iB6z assured by Sanail (No. X[l) that on failure of natural heirs, any succession to the administration of his State, wIdeR might be legitimate according to Muhamrnatlan law would be upheld. He di in April L8651 and was succetded by his eldeL son Muhammad [Calls All Khan, who entered into an Agreement (Xc. XIII) similar to that taken from his lather hi t (No. VII). Muhammad [(aPi Mi Khan was created a Knight Grand Commander of the Order of the Star ci India in and a Cumpcunion of time Indiaa Empire in i 8S. At the Delhi Darbar 01 iS7y, he receive.] the tithe of Couaclh]or of the Empress of India1 and was granted a personal salute of 15 guns for life1 his ordinary salute being 13 gunS.