Page:A Colonial Wooing.djvu/92

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A Colonial Wooing

business here that thee wondered where I got the ten, and supposed that I borrowed them from Robert Pearson? And what of the profits of the venture since that day? Does thee suppose I spend a penny every time I make one? Perhaps thee does; but I don't see how it is to be done, with no shops nearer than Burlington. But thy question calls for an answer, perhaps. There is a little oaken box with iron clasps and a lock somewhere, and there's forty pounds and to spare in it, good, honest, silver money that won't burn thy palms when it touches them."

"I am really sorry to leave thee," remarked William, with a vain effort to think over satisfactorily what John had just told him; "but tell me why, if thee had the money, thy share and mine of the venture, when we started here, were not the same. I thought thee had but ten pounds."

"Thee thought so, but I did not tell thee so. I only agreed to put in ten pounds against thy forty, for I thought my knowledge of the trade and skill in work of certain kinds was worth the difference, and so did thy friend,