Page:A Companion and Useful Guide to the Beauties of Scotland.djvu/230

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beautifully through one of the finest birch woods I ever beheld, down to the very edge of Spey; opening to my view a very lovely scene indeed of the widening vale, rich and well ornamented with wood, and sheltered by mountains not to be described: here I entered Murrayshire. On the opposite side of the river stands Rothamurchus, beautifully situated, bounded by crags, and near the river's side. The crags around Rothamurchus are covered with wood, and the verdant meads are ornamented with fine trees; and the house is within sight of Cairngouram mountains, whose hollow cliffs are filled with never-melting snow. The cap of winter upon the crown of the luxuriant smiling summer below, was a contrast I had never before beheld, and I was delighted with it. Cairngouram produces the finest Scotch pebbles. Aviemore inn was within sight when I came down to the side of the Spey; and my heart jumped at the idea of passing the night in a spot so grateful to my sensations, because nature there shines in its natural garb, and in high beauty: but no sooner had I put my foot within the walls of that horrible house, than my heart sunk; and I was glad to escape from its filth and smoke very early the next morning. The sun, how-