Page:A Compendium of the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.djvu/17

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Importance of a just Idea of God 1
God is One 2
God is very Man 3
God is not in Space 4
The very Divine Essence is Love and Wisdom 5
The Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom are Substance and Form 5
God is Love itself and Life itself 7
The Nature of the Divine Love 8
The Infinity and Eternity of God 10
The Omnipotence of God 11
The Omniscience of God 12
The Omnipresence of God 13
Knowledge Respecting God only possible by Revelation 14


God created the Universe from Himself, not out of Nothing 15
All things in the Universe were created from the Divine Love and the Divine Wisdom of God-Man 15
Two Worlds, the Spiritual and the Natural 16
Two Suns, by means of which all Things in the two Worlds were created 16
Atmospheres, Waters, and Earths, in the Spiritual and Natural Worlds 18
The Origin of Matter 19
The Divine Object in the Creation of the Universe 20
All Things of the Created Universe viewed from Uses, represent Man in an Image 21


What Man is 23
What the Internal and External Man are 24
The very Inmost of Man 24
The Life of Man 25
The Origin of Vital Heat 25
The Primitive Condition of Man 26