Page:A Compendium of the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.djvu/180

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and another of the Holy Spirit. But when it is known that the Lord appears as a sun, a just idea can be had of the proceeding Divine, which is called the Holy Spirit; that it is one with the Lord, but proceeds from Him, as heat and light from the sun. (D. L. W. n. 146.)

Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.

Jesus said, "All sin and blasphemy shall he remitted unto men; but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not he remitted unto men: yea, whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of Man, it shall be remitted unto him; but whosoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it shall not he remitted unto him, neither in this age nor in that which is to come" (Matt. xii. 31, 32). "I say unto you, that all sins shall he remitted unto the sons of man, , . . but whosoever shall have blasphemed against the Spirit, shall not have remission for ever, but shall be liahle to eternal judgment" (Mark iii. 29). "Whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of Man it shall be remitted unto him; but unto him that shall have hlasphemed against the Holy Spirit it shall not be remitted" (Luke xii. 10). What is signified by sin and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and by a word against the Son of Man, has not as yet been known in the church, and this for the reason that it has not been known what is properly meant by the Holy Spirit and by the Son of Man. By the Holy Spirit the Lord is meant as to Divine truth as it is in the heavens, thus the Word as it is in the spiritual sense, for this is the Divine truth in heaven; and by the Son of Man is meant Divine truth as it is on earth, therefore the Word as it is in the natural sense, for this is the Divine truth on earth. When it is known what is meant by the Holy Spirit, and by the Son of Man, it may also be known what is signified by sin and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and by a word against the Son of Man; and likewise why a word against the Son of Man can be remitted, but not sin and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. To deny the Word, or to adulterate the real goods and falsify the real truths of the Word, is sin and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit; and to interpret the natural sense of the Word, which is the sense of the letter, according to appearances is a word against the Son of Man. The reason why to deny the Word is a sin which cannot be remitted, in this age nor in that which is to come, or to eternity, and why he who does it is liable to eternal judgment, is that they who deny the Word deny God, deny the Lord, deny heaven and hell, and deny the church and all things that belong to it; and they who are in such denial are atheists, who though with their lips they attribute