Page:A Compendium of the Theological Writings of Emanuel Swedenborg.djvu/91

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72. Swedenborg's Private Diary for 1743 and 1744. MS. 101 pages, 16 mo.

73. On Sense in general, its influx into the Soul, and the reaction of the latter. MS. 200 pages folio. 1744.

74. The Muscles of the Face and Abdomen. MS. pages 13 folio. 1744.

75. Physical and Optical Experiments. MS. pp. 6 folio. 1744.

76. On the Brain. MS. 43 pages folio. 1744.

77. The Animal Kingdom, considered Anatomically, etc. Part III, 169 pages 4to. London, 1745.


1. The Worship and Love of God. London, 1745. Part I. pp. 120, 4to. Part II. pp. 24, 4to.

2. The Worship and Love of God. Part III. 9 pp. 4to, printed in proof-sheets and in MS., 1745.

3. The History of Creation as related bv Moses. MS. 25 pp. 1745.

4. The Messiah about to come into the World, and the Kingdom of God. MS. pp. 32, 1745.

5. Explanation of the Historical Word of the Old Testament. MS. 3 vol, pp. 169 fol. 1745-6.

6. Biblical Index to the Historical Books of the Old Testament. MS. pp. 581, 1746.

7. Explanation of Isaiah and Jeremiah. MS. 107 pp, folio, 1746-7.

8. Notes on Jeremiah and the Book of Lamentations. MS. on the margin of his Latin Bible. 1746-7.

9. Biblical Index to Isaiah and a portion of Jeremiah and Genesis. MS. 1746-7.

10. Memorabilia, Part I. MS. 1747.

11. Fragments of Notes on Genesis and Exodus. MS. 1747.

12. Fragments of Notes on the Prophets. MS. 1747.

13. Names of Men, Countries, Kingdoms and Towns in the Sacred Scriptures. MS. 245 pp. folio. 1746-8.

14. Biblical Index to the Prophetical Books of the Old Testament, the Psalms, Job, the Apocalypse; and likewise to Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. MS. 636 pp. folio large. 1747-8.

15. Biblical Index of the New Testament. MS. pp. 435, large oblong folio. 1747-8.

16. Memorabilia, Part II. MS. 516 pp. oblong folio. 1747-8.

17. The Heavenly Mysteries which are in the Sacred Scrip-