Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/251

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First Congress.

that no sentence to hard labor for more than one month shall be inflicted by the sentence of a regimental court-martial, as directed in the 67th Article of War.

By command of the Secretary of War.

S. Cooper, Adjutant and Inspector General.

General Orders No. 1.

Headquarters Department of Henrico,
Richmond, Va.,
March 2d, 1862.

I. By virtue of the authority conferred by General Orders No. 8, Adjutant and Inspector General's Office, March 1, 1862, Captain A. C. Godwin is appointed Provost Marshal of the city of Richmond and the adjoining and surrounding country for the distance of ten miles.

II. All distillation and distribution of spirituous liquors is prohibited by the proclamation of the President. The Provost Marshal will take immediate and effective steps to enforce this order, and all persons found transgressing, either by the distillation, sale, giving away, or in any manner disposing of spirituous liquors, will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

III. All persons of every degree, except those in the service of the State or Confederate States, having arms in their possession, will deliver the same to the Ordnance Department on or before the 5th of March, 1862, otherwise they will be seized and taken possession of by the Provost Marshal. All public arms not in the public service will be receipted for, and all private arms will be paid for.

By order of Brigadier General John H. Winder, Commanding, etc.

L. R. Page, Assistant Adjutant General.

General Orders No. 11.

War Department,
Adjutant and Inspector General's Office,
March 8, 1862.

I. The following proclamation is published for the information of all concerned:


By virtue of the power vested in me by law to declare the suspension of the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus in cities threatened with invasion: