Page:A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Confederacy, Including the Diplomatic Correspondence, 1861-1865, Volume I.djvu/271

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First Congress.

seen that God has again extended his shield over our patriotic Army, and has blessed the cause of the Confederacy with a second signal victory on the field already memorable by the gallant achievements of our troops.

Too much praise cannot be bestowed upon the skill and daring of the commanding General who conceived, or the valor and hardihood of the troops who executed, the brilliant movement, whose result is now communicated. After having driven from their intrenchments an enemy superior in numbers, and relieved from siege the city of Richmond, as heretofore communicated,[1] our toil-worn troops advanced to meet another invading army, reënforced not only by the defeated army of General McClellan, but by the fresh corps of Generals Burnside and Hunter. After forced marches, with inadequate transportation, and across streams swollen to unusual height, by repeated combats they turned the position of the enemy, and, forming a junction of their columns, in the face of greatly superior forces, they fought the decisive battle[2] of the 30th, the crowning triumph of their toil and valor.

Jefferson Davis.

Richmond, Va., Sept. 2, 1862.

To the Senate of the Confederate States.

I have the honor to request you to return to me the nominations for appointment in the Army of the Confederate States, submitted on the 25th ult.

Jefferson Davis.

To the House of Representatives.

I herewith transmit communications from the Secretary of War, in response to your resolutions of the 21st and 29th ult., asking, the one, for a copy of the cartel for the exchange of prisoners recently agreed upon with the enemy, and for information as to the manner in which the enemy has observed it. The other, for copies of the official reports of all the battles and engagements with the enemy which have occurred since the adjournment of Congress.

Jefferson Davis.

[Received September 3, 1862.]

  1. See page 233.
  2. Second battle of Manassas.