Page:A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, Vol. XV.pdf/735

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Great Britain and the United States intersects the height of land separating the waters running to Lake Superior from those flowing to Lake Winnipeg, thence northerly, westerly, and easterly, along the height of land aforesaid following its sinuosities, whatever their course may be, to the point at which the said height of land meets the summit of the watershed from which the streams flow to Lake Nepigon, thence northerly and westerly, or whatever may be its course, along the ridge separating the waters of the Nepigon and the Winnipeg to the height of land dividing the waters of the Albany and the Winnipeg, thence westerly and north-westerly along the height of land dividing the waters flowing to Hudson's Bay by the Albany or other rivers from those running to English River and the Winnipeg to a point on the said height of land bearing north 45° east from Fort Alexander at the mouth of the Winnipeg; thence south 45° west to Fort Alexander at the mouth of the Winnipeg; thence southerly along the eastern bank of the Winnipeg to the mouth of the White Mouth River; thence southerly by the line described as in that part forming the eastern boundary of the tract surrendered by the Chippewa and Swampy Cree Tribes of Indians to Her Majesty on the 3rd of August, 1871,[1] namely, by White Mouth River to White Mouth Lake, and thence on a line, having the general bearing of White Mouth River, to the 49th parallel of north latitude, thence by the 49th parallel of north latitude to the Lake of the Woods, and from thence by the International Boundary Line to the place of beginning:

The tract comprised within the lines above described embracing an area of 55,000 square miles, be the same more or less:

To have and to hold the same to Her Majesty the Queen and her successors for ever.

And Her Majesty the Queen hereby agrees and undertakes to lay aside reserves for farming lands, due respect being had to lands at present cultivated by the said Indians, and also to lay aside and reserve for the benefit of the said Indians, to be administered and dealt with for them by Her Majesty's Government of the Dominion of Canada, in such a manner as shall seem best, other reserves of land in the said territory hereby ceded, which said reserves shall be selected and set aside where it shall be deemed most convenient and advantageous for each band or bands of Indians, by the officers of the said Government appointed for that purpose, and such selection shall be so made after conference with the Indians: Provided, however, that such reserve, whether for farming or other purposes, shall in nowise exceed in all one square mile for each family of five, or in that proportion for larger or smaller families, and such