Page:A Complete Collection of the Treaties and Conventions between Great Britain and Foreign Powers, Vol. XV.pdf/754

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The Queen's Indian Commissioners having met Thick Foot and a portion of the Islands Band of Indians at Wapang or Dog Head Island, on the 28th day of September, A.D. 1875, request him to notify the Island Indians and those of Jack Head Point to meet at Wapang an Indian Agent next summer, to receive payments under the Treaty which they have made with the Indians of Norway House, Berens' River, Grand Rapids, and Lake Winnipeg, and in which they are included, at a time of which they will be notified, and to be prepared then to designate their Chief and two Councillors. The Commissioners have agreed to give some of the Norway House Indians a reserve at Fisher Creek, and they will give land to the Island Indians at the same place.

Given at Wapang, this 28th day of September, A.D. 1875, under our hands.

Alex. Morris, L.G.
James McKay.

I accept payments under the Treaty for myself and those who may adhere to me, and accept the same and all its provisions, as a principal Indian, and agree to notify the Indians as above written. Wapang, September 28, 1875.

X Thick Foot.

Witnesses :

Thos. Howard.
Rodk. Ross.

ACT of the Government of Canada, to amend "The Trade Mark and Design Act of 1808."

[39 Vict., cap. 35.]
[Assented to April 12, 1876.[1]]

In amendment of the Act passed in the 31st year of Her Majesty's reign, cap. 55[1], intituled "An Act respecting Trade Marks and Industrial Designs;"[2] Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:—

1. The Minister of Agriculture may, at any time before the expiration of the term of five years for which the copyright of any industrial design registered under the said Act either before or after the passing of this Act is valid, on the application of the registered proprietor of such design, grant to such proprietor a renewal of the registration thereof, for such further term, not exceeding five years, as such Minister may, in his discretion, deem to be advisable.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Repealed by Canadian Act, 42 Vict., c. 22, May 16, 1879.
  2. See Vol. 14. Page 774.