Page:A Danish and Dano-Norwegian grammar.djvu/51

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99. b sounds like English b; this sound occurs in the beginning, middle (chiefly in foreign words) and end of words; Ex.: By town, Bly lead, Hybel garret, Lab (pr. labb) paw.

Note. Sometimes b interchanges with p after a long vowel (see § 98 Note 2), b being reserved for a more elevated style or a figurative meaning; Ex.:



döbe, p, to baptize. Daab, b, baptism; Johannes den Döber John the Baptist.
gribe, p, to catch. figuratively: en gribende Scene an impressive scene.
raabe (pr. rope) to call aloud, cry. raabe in some sentences figuratively: hans Forbrydelse raaber om Hævn his crime cries for vengeance.
Raab (raap, rop) cry, call. Raab, b: Raabet paa Reformer the clamor for reforms. Raaber a speaking trumpet.
skröbelig, p, fragile, frail. figuratively: Kjödet er skröbeligt, b, the flesh is weak.
tabe, p, to lose. fortabes, b (theol.) to be damned; et Fortabelsens Barn a child of perdition.
sleben, p, ground, cut (slepet Glas, cut glass). et slebent, b, Væsen a polished address.
skabe, p, sig to act in an affected manner. skabe, b, to create; Skabelse creation.
Svöbe (pr. Svepe) driving whip. Svöde, öb, scourge.
skab, p, in Ondskab, p, evilness, Troldskab, p, witchcraft; Ægteskab, p, marriage. skab, b, in Kundskab (also p) knowledge, Videnskab, b, science.

100. m bilabial nasal, like the English m; Ex.: maa must, om about, komme to come. Before f m assumes a labiodental character, more rarely before v; Ex.: Jomfru young woman, stewardess.