Page:A Declaration of the People's Natural Right to a Share in the Legislature (1775) (IA declarationofpeo00shar).djvu/221

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in the examination of them, are of so much constitutional importance, and so necessary to be known to every English-man, that I hope I may be excused for having, as they occurred, enlarged upon them, in the several Notes which I have added to my Text.

And, with respect to the three Precedents themselves, I flatter myself that every impartial Reader, who carefully confiders what has been already said upon them, will freely pronounce them illegal, and totally unworthy of being allowed the lead weight or consideration, as Precedents, against the Independence of Ireland, since they are equally capable of being retorted as Precedents for enslaving even England itself: but I must therefore repeat what I have before declared, in p. 141 and elsewhere, that I am very sure the worthy Writer, who unguardedly cited them, will be as zealous to Oppose