Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/174

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xvni 6. Account of Pullevarru in the" Rapalli and Rachur district. 7. Account of Pedda Ganjam and of the ruined City of Warangala Dma in the Chintapalli district. 8. Account of Aurapalli A grah&r am, x the Rapalli district. XXXVII. 1. Account of Madderalla in the Venakonda district. S. Account of Edupulapad in ditto. 3. Account of Enamadala in Rapalli district. 4. Account of Boggaram in the Venakonda parganna. 5. Account of Kunamurlapudi in ditto. 6. Account of Sarikonda Pallam in ditto. 7. Account of Sanampudi village in ditto. 8. Account of Kondramulla in ditto. 9. Account of Timmapdlam in ditto. 10. Account of Yamnaji Gudem village in ditto. ■II. Account of Garrekipad in the Ballamkonda district. 12. Account of Chinamakina Agraharam, in the Chin* tapalli district. 13. Account of Kunkala Gunti in the Venakondah par- gannah. 14. Account of Ikuru village with notice of the Hills, Caverns and Sacred Ponus of the above place iim the Ballamkonda district. J 5. Account of fcpur in the Venakonda parganna. 16. Account of Rampuchirlah with notice of an old Fort of that place in ditto. 17. Acoount of Tubadu village in the Chilakalurpdd district. 18. Account of Nakar^allu with notice of the Hills, Caves, Temples and Hidden Treasures &ca. in the BaU lamkonda district. 19. Account of Julakall in the Ballamkonda district. 20. Accouut of Vmkalaya Pallam in the Katavarapu paiganna.