Page:A Descriptive Catalogue of the Oriental Manuscripts, Vol. 2.djvu/374

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jecxvm 82. Ditto of Ditto in Ditto dated 22d year of the reign of Sundara Pandya Deva. 83. Ditto of Ditto in Ditto dated 1607, S. S. year. 84. Ditto of Ditto in the Pagoda of Agastyeswer at Kangam dated 4633 ditto. 85. Ditto of ditto in ditto of Vishnu at J ay am Koinda Cholapiyram dated 1526 Sal. Sale. . 86. Ditto of ditto in ditto of Ska dated Sal.Sak 87. Inscription on Copper Plates ; no date. 88. Translation of a Malabar inscription in the Pasroua of Choleswer dated 12th year of the reign of BharalaPan* dya Deva. 89. Ditto of an Inscription in ditto dated 18th year of the reign of Sri Ramanava Deva. 90. Ditto of ditto in ditto dated 25th year of the reign of Vira Pandya Deva. 91. Ditto of ditto in ditto; no date. 92. Ditto of ditto in ditto dated 9th year of the reign o^ Kalinga Rayen. 93. Ditto of ditto in ditto by Kerikdla Choleswer JUodia Nay ana no date. 91, Ditto of ditto in ditto dated 13th year of the Reign of Kula Sekhara Deva. 95. Translation of an Inscription in ditto no date. 96. Ditto of ditto in the Pagoda of Deva Nayaka Parumal no date. 97. Ditto of ditto in ditto of Deva Nayaka Parumal by Kerikala Choleswer no date. 98. Ditto of ditto in ditto dated 8th vear of the reign of Sri Bhojola Virama Nada Deva } will* a list of In- scriptions. 99. Ditto of the part of a stone Inscription at Upur dated 1353 Sal. Sak. 100. Ditto of a Copy of the Inscription on the wall of the Vasishtheswara Pagoda dated J 352 by Praudha Deva Malta Ray a.