Page:A Desk-Book of Errors in English.djvu/60

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A Desk-Book of

say "The house was destroyed by fire." "His friends were displeased by the selection of another chairman" means that the action displeased them; "his friends were displeased with the selection," etc., means that the man selected was not their choice.

"A gentleman by the name of Hinkley."

"Oh, no! You mean 'A gentleman of the name of Hinkley.' This is English, you know."

One may say "I know no one of the name of Brown," or "I know no one by the name of Brown"; but the meaning is different. One might know a man of the name of Brown, but know him by the name of Smith. It is better to say simply "a man named Brown."—Standard Dictionary.


cabbage for "steal" or "crib," as from a pony, is schoolboy slang.

cake, takes the: A slang equivalent for "wins the prize." Used usually to designate that the person, act, or statement to which it is applied exceeds in impudence anything within the knowledge of the persons present.

calculate: The verb signifies to ascertain by mathematical or scientific computation; and the word calculated therefore strictly means adapted by calculation. It is then illogical to speak of "measures calculated to do harm" when the measures were in