Page:A Dictionary of Correspondences, Representatives, and Significatives, Derived From the Word of the Lord.pdf/10

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The first edition of this work was published in the year 1841, and the second in 1847. The object of the work is to afford a convenient Manual or Hand Book, for reference in explanation of Correspondences. Its reception has been all that could be reasonably expected. The plan upon which the work was prepared was suggested by the publisher to the late Mr. Charles Bolles, and an arrangement was made with him to prepare the work for publication. This he did, as explained in the following advertisement appended to the first edition:

"The following is principally an abridgment of the work compiled by George Nicholson, and published in folio, in 1800. In the preface he says—'It is the result of a regular and diligent perusal and investigation of all the volumes to which the extracts refer, and though it is not given to the reader as a work incapable of improvement, yet it is humbly presumed that it may be found highly useful to every person who desires to be acquainted with the eternal Word of truth, life, and salvation.'

"In preparing the work in its prescnt form, it is believed that very little if any thing has been omitted, which could not well be spared in a work of this character; for the writings of Swedenborg are now distributed to a considerable extent throughout this and other countries, and there is not at this day the same necessity of embodying in the work many long illustrations of passages of Scripture which existed at the time the work was originally compiled. Much additional matter has been added, from the different works of Swedenborg, and considerable care has been bestowed in revising and correcting the whole."

The second edition was published six years later, to which he appended the following advertisement: