Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 3.djvu/77

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Observe the following treatment of the first subject in his 1st Symphony 'An das Vaterland':

<< \new Staff { \time 4/4 \override Score.TimeSignature #'stencil = ##f \override Score.Rest #'style = #'classical \key d \major \relative c' { R1 | \mark \markup { \tiny "1st Violin" } c8._>^\( e16 g e' d c\) a^\( g e g c e g a\) | a^\( g e c g c e g\) a^\( g e c g c e g\) | s8_"etc." } }
\new Staff { \key d \major \clef alto \relative c { r8^\pp^\markup { \tiny "Viola" } c4_> e8\( g e' d c\) | a\( g e g c e g c\) | c1( | s8) } }
\new Staff { \key d \major \clef bass \relative c { c8 r r4 r2 | r4^\markup { \tiny "Cello" }_\pp c,2( e4) | g e d c | s8 } } >>

a canon in augmentation and double augmentation. Such instances as this are numerous, and art with which these contrapuntal devices made to appear spontaneous is consummate. In the Pianoforte Concerto in C minor (op. 185), in each movement all the subjects are in double counterpoint with one another, yet this is one of Raff's freshest and most melodious works. To return to the Symphonies: the Scherzos are, as a rule, weak, and the Finales without exception boisterous and indeed vulgar. Writing here, as ever, for an uneducated public, Raff has forgotten that for a symphony to descend from a high tone is for it to be unworthy of the name.

A remarkable set of 30 Songs (Sanges-Frühling, op. 98) deserves notice for its wealth of fine melodies, some of which have become national property ('Kein Sorg um den Weg'; 'Schön' Else,' etc.); and among his pianoforte music is a set of 20 Variations on an original theme (op. 179) which displays an astonishing fertility of resource, the theme—of an almost impossible rhythm of 5 and 7 quavers in the bar—being built up into canons and scherzos of great variety and elegance.

Raff's Pianoforte Concerto is very popular, and his Suite for Violin and Orchestra (op. 180) only little less so. His versatility need not be jed upon. In all the forms of musical composition he has shown the same brilliant qualities and the same regretable shortcomings. His gift of melody, his technical skill, his inexhaustible fertility, and above all his power of never repeating himself—all these are beyond praise. But his very fertility is a misfortune, since it renders him careless in the choice of his subjects; writing 'pot-boilers' has injured the development of a delicate feeling for what is lofty and refined: in short, he stands far before all second-rate composers, yet the conscientious critic hesitates to allow him a place in the front rank of all.

Even those who have least sympathy with Raff's views on art must admire the energy and spirit with which he has worked his way upwards in spite of every obstacle poverty could throw in his way. He is a member of several societies, and has received various orders. In 1877 he was appointed with much éclat director of the Hochconservatoire at Frankfort, a post he still retains. [App. p.766 "add that he died in the night of June 24–25, 1882."]

The first of his large works performed in this country was probably the Lenore Symphony at the Crystal Palace, Nov. 14, 1874. This was followed by the 'Im-Walde,' and the PF. Concerto in C minor (Jaell), at the Philharmonic; the Symphonies in G minor, 'Im Walde,' 'Frühlingsklange' and 'Im Sommerzeit,' with the Concertos for cello and violin, and the Suite for PF. and orchestra, at the Crystal Palace. His Quintet (op. 107), 2 Trios (op. 102, 112), Sonata (op. 128), and other pieces, have been played at the Monday Popular Concerts.

[ F. G. ]

Catalogue of Raff's works[1]
Op. 1. Serenade. PF. solo. Andre.
2. Trois pièces caracteristiques. PF. solo. B. & H.[2]
3. Scherzo (C minor). PF.solo, B.& H.
4. Morceau de Salon … sur 'Maria de Rudenz.' PF. solo. B. & H.
5. 4 Galops. PF. solo. B. & H.
6. Morceau inst. Fantaisio et Varns. PF. solo. B. & H.
7. Rondeau sur 'Io son ricco.' PF. solo. B. & H.
8. 12 Romances en form d'Etudes; en 2 Cahiers. PF. solo. B. & H.
9. Impromptu brlllant. PF. solo. B. & H.
10. Hommage au Néoromantisme, Grand Caprice. PF. solo. B. & H.
11. Air suisse, transcrit. PF. solo. B. & H.
12. Morceau de Salon. Fant. gracieuse. PF. solo. B. & H.
13. Valse. Rondino sur 'les Huguenots.' PF. duet. B. & H.
14. Sonata & Fugue (E♭ minor). PF. solo. B. & H.
15. 6 Poèmes. PF. solo. Schott.
16. Rondeau on Saloman's 'Diamantkreuz.' PF.
17. Album Lyrique. PF. solo. Schuberth (4 books containing 9 pieces).
18. Paraphrases (2). PF. solo. Eck.
19. Fantaisie dramatique. PF. solo. Litolff.
20. 2 Morceaux de Salon. Serenade italienne; Air Rheuan. PF. solo. Litolff.
21. Loreley, Dichtung ohne Worte. PF. solo. Spina.
22. 2 Rhapsodies élégiaques. PF. solo. Spina.
23. 3 Pièces caracteristiques. PF. solo. Kistner.
24. Valse mélancolique. PF. solo. Spina.
25. Romance-étude. PF. solo. Spina.
26. Den Manen Scarlattis. Scherzo. PF. solo. Spina.
27. Augelens letzter Tag im Kloster. Ein Cyclus etc. (12 pieces in 2 books). PF. solo. Kistner.
31. 6 Liederübertragen. PF. solo. Ebner.
32. Am Rhein. Romanze. PF. solo. Spina.
35. Capriccietto (on motifs from 'Freischütz'). PF. solo. Schuberth.
36. Fantaisie Militaire (on motifs from 'Huguenots'). PF. solo. Schuberth.
37. Mélange (on motifs from 'Sonnambula'). PF. solo. Schuberth.
38. Grand Mazourka. PF. solo. Stoll.
39. Nocturne (on romance by Liszt). PF. solo. Kistner.
40. Capriccietto à la Bohémienne. PF. solo. Kistner.
41. Romance. PF. solo. Kistner.
42. 'Le Pretendant' … de Kücken (3 Nos.). PF. solo. Kistner.
43. Divertissement sur 'La Juive.' PF. solo. Schuberth.
44. Fantasina sur 'Le Barbier de Seville.' PF. solo. Schuberth.
45. Souvenir de 'Don Giovanni.' PF. solo. Schuberth.
46. 'La dernière Rose'—(The last rose of summer). Impromptu. PF. solo. Cranz.
47. 3 Lieder (by J. G. Fischer) for Bar. or Alto and PF. Senff.
48. 2 Lieder for Voice and PF. Senff.
49. 3 Lieder (by J. G. Fischer) for Voice and PF. Heinrichshofen.
50. 2 Italienische Lieder (by Sternau) for Voice and PF. Heinrichshofen.
51. 5 Lieder for Voice and PF. Kistner.
52. 3 Lieder for Voice and PF. Schlesinger.
53. 2 Lieder vom Rhein for Voice and PF. Schloss.
54. Tanz-capricen (4). PF. solo. Bahn.
55. Frühlingsboten—12 short pieces for PF. solo. Schubert.
56. 3 Salon Stücke. PF. solo. Bachmann.
57. 'Aus der Schweiz.' Fantastische Egloge. Bachmann.
58. 2 Nocturnes. PF. and Violin. Schuberth.
59. Duo in A, PF. and Cello. Nagel.
60. Schweizerweisen (9 Nos.). PF. solo. Schuberth.
  1. The Editor desires to express his obligations to Messrs. Augener & Co. for great assistance kindly rendered him in the difficult task of drawing up this list.
  2. B. & H.=Breitkopf & Härtel.