Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/701

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INFLEXION. See Accent, vol. i. p. 16a.

INSTRUMENT. Vol. ii. p. 6a, note 1, for (see p. 794a) read (see vol. i. p. 749a). P. 6b, l. 11 from bottom, for 4 of the 29 strings read 5 of the 30. After l. 5 from bottom add while in the instruments of the Mandoline family a plectrum of tortoiseshell is used.

INTERMEZZO. P. 9a, l. 22, for 1734 read 1731. Two lines from end of article omit the word latest.

INTRODUCTION. P. 13b, l. 14 from bottom, add opus number of the Nocturne referred to, op. 62, No. 1. P. 14b, l. 29 from bottom, for D read D minor.

INVENTION. Only the first set of pieces mentioned, viz. the 15 in 2 parts, are called by this name; the 3-part compositions are called 'Sinfonien.'

INVERTED CADENCE. See Medial Cadence, vol. ii. p. 244.

INVITATORIUM. A species of Antiphon, appointed, in the Roman Breviary, to be sung, at Matins, in connection with the Psalm 'Venite exultemus Domino.' Anglican Ritualists sometimes apply the term, Invitatorium, or Invitatory, to the 'Venite' itself; but this use of it is incorrect. It consists of short sentences, sung before, and between, the Verses of the Psalm; and sometimes gives rise to very elaborate complications in the text and music.

[ W. S. R. ]

IPHIGÉNIE EN AULIDE. Concerning Wagner's ending to the opera see vol. iv. p. 354b.

IRISH MUSIC. P. 21a, musical illustration, for chos read Chor.

IVANOFF. Add that he died at Bologna, July 8, 1880.


JACK. P. 27a, l. 1, 7. See Spinet, vol. iii. p. 651a, footnote.

JACKSON, William, 'of Exeter.' Add day of birth, May 28.

JACKSON, William, 'of Masham.' Correct date of birth to 1815.

JADASSOHN, Salomon. Line 13 of article, for D read D minor. Mention should be made of two pianoforte trios, a string quartet, two quintets for pianoforte and strings (op. 70 and 76), a pianoforte quartet (op. 77), a piano concerto (op. 89), and of a setting of Psalm c. for alto solo, double chorus, and orchestra.

JADIN, Hyacinthe. P. 29b, l. 29, for in 1802 read in October 1800.

JAELL, Alfred. Add date of death, Feb. 28, 1882.

JAHN, Otto. Add that his life of Mozart was published in an English translation by Miss Pauline Townshend, in three volumes, by Novello and Co. in 1882.

JAHRBÜCHER, etc. For continuations see Breitkopf & Härtel in Appendix, vol. iv. p. 562.

JANIEWICZ. Line 3 of article, for 1783 or 4 read 1784 or 5. Add that an andante of Mozart's for violin and orchestra, dated April 1, 1785 (K. 470), is believed by Jahn (iii. 297) to have been written for Janiewicz.

JANOTHA, Nathalie. Line 4 from end of article, for of the same year read 1878. Add that in 1885 she was made pianist to the court of Germany and Prussia by William I.

JANSA, Leopold. Correct date of birth to 1794; add that he last appeared at Vienna in 1871, when he was 77 years of age, and add day of death, Jan. 25.

JARDINE & Co. a firm of organ-builders in Manchester. The house was founded in 1823 by Renn. Between 1825 and 1830 the firm was Renn & Boston, and after that Renn alone, till his death in or about 1848. In 1850 the business was bought by Kirtland & Jardine. In 1865 Kirtland retired, and Frederic W. Jardine remained alone until 1874. The business was then bought by J. A. Thorold & C. W. Smith, who are now trading under the name of Jardine & Co. Examples of their work may be found in St. Peter's Church and the Free Trade Hall, both in Manchester, and also in Stockport Sunday School.

[ V. de P. ]

JENSEN, Adolph. Correct date of death to Jan. 23, and add that the score of an opera 'Turandot' was found after his death.

JEUNE, LE. See Le Jeune, vol. ii. 118.

JEWITT, Randolph. See vol. iv. p. 170b, note 4.

JOACHIM. L. 9 of article read In 1841 he became. (Corrected in later editions.) To list of works add Variations for violin and orchestra, in E minor.

JÖDEL. See Tyrolienne.

JOHNSON, John. See London Violin Makers, vol. ii. p. 164b.

JOMMELLI, Niccolo. P. 36b, l. 13 from bottom, for Sept. 11 read Sept. 10. P. 37b, l. 22 from bottom, for 1771 read 1770. P. 38a, l. 1, for Aug. 28 read Aug. 25.

JONAS, Emile. P. 39a, add to list of operettas, 'Le Chignon d'or,' Brussels, 1874; 'La bonne Aventure,' 1882; 'Le premier Baiser,' 1883.

JONCIÈRES, Victorin De, the adopted name of Félix Ludger Rossignol, born in Paris, April 12, 1839. The name by which he is known was adopted by his father, a journalist and advocate of the Cour d'Appel, who, under the Empire, was one of the principal contributors to the 'Patrie' and the 'Constitutional.' Victorin began by studying painting; but by way of amusement he composed a little opéra comique