Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/833

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property he possessed called Swallowfield, at Nuthurst, Sussex, and leaves 'to every of my skollers to eche of them iiiid.' The registers of St. Margaret's show that White 'Mr of the singing children' was buried on Nov. 11, and the will was proved on Dec. 8, the widow having died in the meantime. Prudence White, the daughter, was buried on the day that her father's will was made, viz. Nov. 7. The will of Ellen White, the widow, was made on Nov. 21. In it she directs that she shall be buried in the churchyard of St. Margaret's, near her husband and children. The names mentioned by the testatrix are her mother, Katherine Tye (probably a relation of Dr. Christopher Tye), her aunt Anne Dingley, her sisters Susan Fulke and Mary Rowley, her daughters Margery and Anne (both minors), her brother-in-law, Thos. Hawkes, citizen and pewterer of London, Mr. Gravener 'my husband's deere freinde,' and Richard Granwall 'one of the gentlemen of the Queenes Chappell.' The list of debts owing to her and her husband includes 'xxxvis viiid' from Edward Parston, Esq.; £6 from Gabriel Cawood, 'citizen and stacyoner of London,' and 'she hathe in pawne a Jewell of golde.' Mrs. White was buried on Nov. 30, 1574, and the will was proved on Dec. 8 following. It has been suggested with great probability that the large sum owing to White from Gabriel Cawood the printer was in payment for some of his musical compositions. (Registers of St. Margaret's, Westminster; wills at Somerset House.)

[ W. B. S. ]

WHYTHORNE, Thomas. At end of article, for Mr. Julian Marshall read Mr. W. H. Cummings.

WIDOR, C. M. Add that in 1888 he visited England and conducted his 'Music to a Walpurgis Night' at the Philharmonic Concert of April 19.

WILD, Franz. P. 456a, l. 10 from bottom, for vol. iii. read vol. iv.

WILHELM, Carl. Line 4 of article, for Aug. 26, 1875, read Aug. 16, 1873.

WILHEM, G. L. B. P. 458b, l. 12, for vol. ii. read vol. iii.

WILSON, John. The date of birth has been established by Mr. James Love, who has found an entry in the Canongate Records of Edinburgh, to the effect that the singer was the son of John Wilson, a coach-driver, and was born Dec. 25, 1800, and baptized Jan. 4, 1801. Line 12 of article, for Creselli read Crivelli.

WIND-BAND. P. 464b, fourth stave of musical example, in the second bar a group of descending notes F, E, D, is to be inserted between the first and second groups of semiquavers and demisemiquavers, in order to complete the bar. P. 465a, note 1, for p. 385 read 358.

WINGHAM, Thomas. Add that he has been Choirmaster at the Oratory, Brompton, since October 1882.

WINN, William. Add date of death, June 1, 1888.

WORKING-OUT. P. 489a, l. 14, read or a figure extracted from a subject, to change, etc.

WÜLLNER, Franz. Add among his works, a Stabat Mater for chorus.

WYDOW, Robert, Mus.B. (also spelt Wedow, Widows, Wydewe, etc., and latinized into Viduus). According to Leland he was born at Thaxted, in Essex. He was educated by his step-father, the master and proprietor of a school at Thaxted, who ultimately sent him to Oxford to complete his studies. While there he distinguished himself in literature and the arts, especially in poetry and music, finally taking the degree of Bachelor of Music. After his stepfather's death Robert Wydow succeeded him as master of the school, and is said to have turned out several illustrious pupils. Among his patrons, Wydow numbered Edward IV; and, as Edward had some connection with Thaxted, being lord of a third of the manor, it is not unreasonable to suppose that it was owing to that monarch's good offices that he obtained the presentation to the vicarage of Thaxted on Dec. 22, 1481. This living, which was then worth about £28, Wydow resigned on Oct. 1, 1489. It was probably at this period that he travelled in France and Italy for the purposes of study, and added to those stores of learning which gained him the appellation of 'Grammaticus'; and it was perhaps on his return from the Continent that he was made 'Penitentiarius' in St. Paul's Cathedral, if, as is generally believed, he really held that post. On Nov. 19, 1493, he was collated rector of Chalfont St. Giles, in Buckinghamshire, a place afterwards associated with the more illustrious names of John Milton and William Penn. After enjoying that living for rather more than three years, he was installed by proxy Canon and Confrater of Comba II. in Wells Cathedral, on March 27, 1497; and a few months later (Sept. 10) was appointed Succentor in the place of Henry Abyngdon [vol. i. p. 6]. On Sept. 21, 1499, he obtained the vicarage of Chew Magna, in Somersetshire, which he held till his death. In 1499–1500 he was made one of the residentiary canons, and on May 25 in the latter year was installed Sub-Dean and Prebendary of Holcombe Burnell, in Devonshire. About the same time Robert Wydow was made deputy for the transaction of affairs between the Pope and the Cathedral and Chapter of Wells; he was also granted the advowson of Wookey, in Somersetshire, the rectory and vicarage of which were together worth about £15. He also held about this time the offices of 'Scrutator Domorum' and Librarian in the Chapter House. On Sept. 21, 1502, Wydow was made Seneschal, and shortly after Auditor, of the Chapter House. On Oct. 1, 1503, he was presented to the perpetual vicarage of Buckland Newton, in Dorsetshire, which is the last event recorded in his life, for he died