Page:A Dictionary of Music and Musicians vol 4.djvu/836

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the idea of undervaluing her assistance, which, according to Nassau Senior, was gratuitously given to Lumley.

According to Léon Fillet and Arthur Pougin (Le Ménestrel, Nov. 20, 1887), the 'hearing' of Mlle. Lind (1842) by Meyerbeer, of which so much has been said and written, had no reference whatever to an engagement at the Opéra at Paris. It seems to have been altogether private, and unconnected with any question of the sort.

[ J.M. ]

MACKENZIE, A. C. Add to list of works 'The Dream of Jubal,' cantata, performed by the Liverpool Philharmonic Society, Feb. 5, and at Novello's Oratorio Concert, Feb. 26, 1889.

MONK, W. H. Add date of death, March 1, 1889.

MURSKA, Ilma di. Correct date of birth to 1836, and add date of death, Jan. 14, 1889. She married (i) Dec. 29, 1875, Alfred Anderson, at Sydney; and (2) May 15, 1876, J. T. Hill at Otago.

MUSICAL PERIODICALS. Add that the Tonic Sol-fa Reporter was issued bi-monthly till 1878, and that it has been called 'The Musical Herald' since Jan. 1889.

OUSELEY, Sir F. A. G. Add date of death, April 6, 1889.

RHEINBERGER. Add to list of works in appendix a Singspiel, 'Das Zauberwort,' op. 153, and a twelfth organ sonata, op. 154.

ROSA, CARL. Add date of death, April 30, 1889, at Paris. To works mentioned, iv. 775b, add In 1888 'Robert the Devil,' 'The Puritan's Daughter,' 'The Star of the North,' and 'The Jewess' were produced; and on Jan. 12, 1889, Planquette's 'Paul Jones' at the Prince of Wales's Theatre, London.

STEINWAY & SONS. Add date of death of Theodore Steinway, March 25, 1889.

VIRGINAL MUSIC. Vol. iv. p. 307 a. The account of the younger Francis Tregian (based upon that given in Polwhele's Cornwall, iv. 88–90) is incorrect. He was educated at Eu, and entered Douay Sept. 29, 1586. On the occasion of the visit of the Bishop of Piacenza, Aug. 14, 1591, he was chosen to deliver a Latin address of welcome. He left Douay on July 11, 1592, and was afterwards for two years chamberlain to Cardinal Allen, upon whose death in 1594 he delivered a funeral oration in the church of the English College at Rome. In a list of the Cardinal's household drawn up after his death, which is preserved in the Archives of Simancas, Tregian is described as 'molto nobile, di 20 anni, secolare, di ingenio felicissimo, dotto in filosofia, in musica, et nella lingua latina.' He returned to England, bought back his father's lands, and in 1608–9 was convicted of recusancy and committed to the Fleet. He died there, probably in 1619, owing the Warden above £200 for 'meate, drinke and lodging.' In his rooms at the Fleet a contemporary record states there were many hundred books. If it were not for the date of 'Dr. Bull's Jewel,' it might be conjectured that the Fitzwilliam Virginal Book was written by the younger Tregian while a prisoner in the Fleet. If this is impossible, there can be but little doubt that it was written by some of his associates, possibly by one of his sisters, who were in England with him.

Morris, 'Troubles of our Catholic Forefathers,' first series; State Papers, Domestic, James I., xli. No. 116, cxvi. No. 12; 'The Oeconomy of the Fleete,' ed. Jessopp, Camden Soc., p. 140; Records of the English Catholics, vols. 1, 2.

[ W. B. S. ]