Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/143

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ST. BONOSA 129 the commandments of God and the pre* cepts of the Church and the Bale ; (4) in case of the reception of a married woman, her husband's consent was neces- sary. They wore a simple grey dress and the Franciscan cord : they were not allowed to attend theatrical representa- tions, dances, or revels. They were to regulate their worldly affairs and make their wills. Eventually the Third Order betook themselves to cloisters, throwing away what was perhaps the most bene- ficial part of the system of their founder. Lucchese and Bona continued to be members of this order for nineteen years. At one time Lucchese appears to have lived alone in a hermitage, visiting Bona and assisting her in good works. Bona fell iU, and Lucchese, who was also ill, went to see her, and advised her to receive the Holy Ck>mmunion. When she had done so, he said, ^'Aly dear companion, God, who. gave us grace to re- nounce our property together, is going to grant us the favour of leaving the world together ; wait a little while until I have received the Holy Sacrament, and then we will go together to eternal happiness." He went back to his hermitage, sent for his confessor and the parish priest, and received with great devotion. He re- turned in a state of extreme exhaustion to Bona, who died holding his hands. He was carried back to his hut, where he died with his eyes fixed on the crucifix, on April 28, on which day he is com- memorated in the Franciscan Martyrology, They were both buried in the Franciscan church at Poggibonsi, afterwards called San Lucchese. Brocchi, Santi Fiorentini, Magliano, HisL Franciscans, Prayer-Book, Luc- chese may mean a man of Lucca, and Buona Donna, a good woman, his wife. B. Bona (5) d'Armagnac, Oct. 26. loth century. Clarissan nun in the convent of St. Anne of Lesignan, near Narbonne. Daughter of the Count d'Ar- magnac. Born in answer to the prayers of St. Colette, who told the count and countess that their first child would be a daughter, and become a holy nun of her order, the Heformed Order of Si Francis at L^zignan, and that they must not oppose her vocation. Accordingly, their eldest child became a nun of that order, and three years after her pro- fession she died in the odour of sanctity, under the name of Sceur Bonne. Jumel, Life of St. Colette. AA.SS,, Prseter. Sainte Bonde, Santa Bonda. Cor- ruption of St. Abundius, bishop of Como, who died 468. A convert of Santa Bonda is mentioned in the letters of St. Catherine of Siena. AA.SS., April 2. Helyot, Hist. Ord, Mon,^ iii. SS. Bonifacia. Four women of this name appear as martyrs in old calen- dars. St. Bonita, Oct 16, V. 9th, lOth, or 11th century. A goose-girl in the village of Alvier, in Auvergne. She had a great devotion to St Julian. In answer to her fervent prayer, an angel took her across the river in time of flood, so that she might worship at his tomb as usual. After this she led an angelic life. Tradition adds that she lived when the English were fighting in that part of Franco. AA.SS, B. Bonizella, May 6, widow, -f 800. Her body is preserved entire in the church of Trequanda, in the diocese of Siena, and her festival is kept there on the third Sunday in May. Her history is lost, and is believed to have been destroyed in a fire in 1384. AA.SS. Bonne, Bona (5^. St. Bonosa (1)» m French Veneuse^ Yenouse, Feb. 2, July 15, a Boman v. M. 207, at Porto Bomano, under Severus. The Leggendario says that when she was condemned to be beaten^ she was miraculously concealed from the eyes of her tormentors, although she could feel their blows. She was then given into the care of a prefect, who was to convert her if he could, and otherwise to kill her. When she was again con- demned to be scourged, the executioners were seized with acute pains in their arms, and found themselves unable to use the whips. She was kept many days in a dark prison, and finally beheaded. Fifty soldiers were converted by her and put to death with her. They are honoured as martyrs. St. Bonosa is commemorated in the Boman Martyro- logy^ July 15, with her brother St. Eutropius, and sister St. Zozima, all