Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/208

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194 ST. CLOTSEND and signed the commission which autho- rized the Congregation of Kites to take measures for her canonization. It has not, however, been carried through. Predari, IXnasiia di Savoia. Scott, Life of Napoleon, Yonge, Marie ilntot- nette, Civittd Catiolica, Diario di Bama. Visitors to Turin in 1851 were shown Clotilda's oratory. The attendant ex- pressed great tenderness and devotion to her memory, and said that she was un- doubtedly a saint, and would certainly soon be worshipped as such throughout the world. St. Clotsend (i), Glodbsind. B. Clotsend (2), June 30 (Closse- iNDE, Clothsendis), V. "f c, 703, or, ac- cording to Bucelinus, 688. Daughter of SS. Adalbald and Bigtrudb. Second abbess of Marchiennes, in Flanders. Her sisters were St. Eusebia and St. Adalsend, and she had a brother, St. Maurontus. Bucelinus, JIfen. J^en. Hens- chenius in AA,SS. St. Clydai Nov. 1. Bees, in his list of the daughters of Brychan, seems to imply that Clydai joined her sisters Ctmobth and Cenedlon in a religious life at Emlyn. (See Almheda.) St. Cneburh, Quimbubga. St. Cneuberga, Quimburoa. St. Cobba, CoppA. B. Cobflatia, abbess of Eildare, daughter of Dubhdun. 'f 914. Colgan, ii. 629. St. Coca, June 6 (CoccA, Cocha, COOA, CUACA, CUACH, CUACHA, CuCCA, Cucia), v. Commemorated by the Irish. The ancient church of Kilcock, dedicated in her name, was on the Bye water, between Kildare and Meath. Butler, Appendix. O'Hanlon, Irish Saints, i. 130. St. Cocchea, or Concha (2), June 29, July 29. Gth century. Foster-mother of St. Kieran of Saigir. She presided over a nunnery in Ireland, and Kieran used to go there every Christmas night to celebrate Mass, after having done so in his own community. Colgan. Lani- gan,,iii. 306. St. Codeda, or Condebbc, Oct. 21. St. Codene, or Codenis, Feb. 17, M. at Bome with many others. Hen- sohenius. St. Coelifloria, Jan 5, M. in Africa. AA.SS. St. Coenburg^a, or Quimbero, sister of Cxtthbero. Coenneta, April 24. Irish. Men. tioned in Mariyrology of Tandacht or TaUagU. AA.SS., Prseter. Coentigern, Kbntigebna. St. Cog^a, Coca, perhaps same as OOOCHBA. St. Cohaeria, Aug. l, Coyere. St. Coimgheall, Oct 26, V.. Sister of St. Darbelin. St. Cointa, or Cointha, Quujta. B. Colaeia, Aug. 30, V. f 1296. Nun of the Order of our Lady of Mercy for the redemption of captives. No authority for worship. AA.SS. St. Colette, Mar. 6. 1880-1447. Sometimes called Boylbttb. Beformer of the Order of St Francis. Patron of Corbie, in Picardy. Bobert Boilet, or Boellet, was a poor carpenter at Corbie ; his wife, Margaret Noyon, was sixty years old when, in 1380, her life-long prayer for a child was answered by the appearance of a little daughter. In honour of St. Nicholas, to whom the old couple had a great devotion, they chris- tened her Colette (t.e. Nicolette). They were very charitable, and used a house that belonged to them as a hospice for persons too wretched to be received in some of the benevolent institutions. She had the best education her parents could give her, for they sent her for instruction to the great Benedictine monastery of Corbie, founded by St. Bathilde. On her way to school she often gave her luncheon to some beggar. She con- stantly denied herself for the sake of others. She visited the sick and afflicted in their own homes, reading parts of the holy Scriptures to them in their own language, translating and explaining as she went along. Many miraculous in- cidents are recorded of her childhood. When she was fourteen she was extremely small. This distressed her father. So she prayed, " Lord, if it is for Thy glory and my salvation that I should always be so little, I am content if Thou wilt make me great in heaven ; better so than to be great in this world and ofifeud Thee; but if Thou wilt, grant this