Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/230

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216 ST. CYRIACA entmsied to him. B,M, Mrs. Jameson, Sacred and Legendary Art, ii. 156. AAJSS. St Cyriaca (3), May 19, V. M. 3li, in Africa, with nve other holy virgins, one of whom was Theotima, sister of Philetffims. Only known from the not very reliable Acts of SS. Philetems (May 19) and Eabiotns. Cyriaca was bomt, and Theotima was slain with a sword. Papebroch gives the Greek Acts with a Latin tran^tion, but considers them probably fabulous, and certainly falsely ascribed to an eye-witness. When Diocletian was in Nicomedia. some time after the publication of his edict for the extermination of Christi- anity, he was told of a Christian who worshipped God openly with impunity. He was very angry, and ordered him to be brought before him. He had a very white skin and golden beard, and the Emperor was so struck by his youth, beauty, and gentleness, that he thought he was a god, and afterwards tried to persuade him to renounce his religion and accept honours among the heathen. Philetasrus rebuked him, and wrought a miracle in the name of Jesus Christ, which made Diocletian again say that PhiletsBms was one of the gods. When he had seen some more miracles he ordered Philetffirus to be set at liberty. Soon afterwards Diocletian died, but the persecution was continued under Maxi- mian, and Philetcerus was brought be- fore him as an irrepressible Christian. Hearing that he had a sister younger and more beautiful than himself, who was hiding among the mountains with other Christian virgins, Maximian or- dered them all to be brought to him, and offered them the greatest honours, promising to treat them as his daughters on condition that they should sacrifice to his gods. Theotima answered, '* What honour can you (yourself worthy of no honour) confer on us, who are servants of the true Qod ? " The Emperor com- manded those that stood by to strike her on the face. Whereupon Cyriaca told him he ought to be ashamed of his brutality. Maximian then had Cyriaca beaten until she was quite exhausted. As Philetffirus prayed that she might have strength and courage to undergo these sufferings for her Master's sake, she revived. Maximian ordered her to be tortured in many cruel ways, and finally burnt. Philetems and the six surviving virgins were condemned to hard labour in the ishind of PrcBConesum. On the journey the women entreated Aristides, the captain of their guard, to have their fetters taken off, promising to make no attempt to escape, and say- ing that the fatigue was greater than they could bear. He hesitated to comply with their request, and, when they had gone a little further, the holy maidens suddenly disappeared from before his eyes, and were never seen or heard of more. St. Philetasrus, alter many miracles and sufferings, received the crown of martyrdom. B.M. AAJSS, SS. Cyriaca (4-1 1). Besides the above, eight Cynacas appear in the calendars on different days and in divers places. In some instances the name is rendered in Latin Dominica. St. Cyriacide, or Cyriacita, Aug. 8, M. (See Memioa.) St. Cjrrisna, Cyrkna. St. Cyriana, Cyrkna. St. Cyrica, Cyria (2). St. Cyrilla (l), called in the Lab- hsean Mart, Gorilla, Oct. 28, V. M. c, 269. Daughter of the Emperor Decius and St. Tryphonia. Baptized by St. Justin. Tryphonia and Cyrilla were instrumental in the conversion of forty- six soldiers and their wives, and when Claudius, the Emperor, heard of it he ordered Uiem all to sacrifice to his gods. They were all martyred, and many others with them. Cyrilla was slain with a sword, and her body thrown into the street for dogs to eat. They were buried near St Hippolytus, by St. Justin the priest Their story is partly taken from the fabulous Acts of St. Lawrence. They are commemorated in the Roman Martyrology, Oct. 28, as mother and daughter, martyrs, but their relationship to Decius is not mentioned. AAJSS.f Oct. 25, in the story of the forty-six soldiers, etc. Mart of Salis^ bury, St. Cyrilla (2), May 13, M. c. aoG,