Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/287

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whither thou art called, for I will be with thee, and thou shalt lead many women to Me.'" So they went to Salzburg, and Rupert made her abbess of his new convent, where she taught and governed a great number of holy nuns, and did much good.

One day Rupert came to Erentrude and asked her to promise something he was going to ask her. She consented. He told her he knew he should soon die, and he begged her to pray for his salvation. She answered with tears that it would be better for her to die first. "Sister," he answered, "think not of hastening your own departure from this world, for that would be a great sin." "Remember, father, I pray you, that you took me away from my own country, that I have followed you hither alone, and have no stay on earth but you; grant me this one request—that if I must not die before you nor with you, you will pray that I may follow you soon." He consented, and they talked a long time of the future life and its happiness, and sadly said their last farewell.

Papebroch places the foundation of the church of Salzburg by St. Rupert about 630. Bucelinus gives a legend that St. Henry II, emperor (1002-1024), was cured of leprosy by the intercession of Erentrude, and wore a relic of her in a gold ring from that time; he lost the ring, and immediately his leprosy returned. He vowed to rebuild her monastery which had been burnt, and was cured at once and for life. AA.SS. Butler.

St. Eresvytha, Hebeswitha.

St. Ergnata, Jan. 8, V. Daughter of Darius, son of Finchad, a prince in Ireland. She was one of the three chosen by St. Patrick to wash the sacred vestments; the other two were his sister St. Lupita, and St. Cruimtheresia.

St. Benignus, a disciple of St. Patrick, sang beautifully. Ergnata fell in love with him, and died of it. When Benignus knew it, he told St. Patrick, who raised her to life, and after that she loved Benignus spiritually. Another version of the legend is that, not being able to get near enough to speak to him, because of the strict rule of Patrick and his monks, she pretended to be very ill, and begged she might receive the viaticum from Benignus only. Patrick knew by inspiration what was the matter, but nevertheless sent Benignus. When he made the sign of the cross on entering the house, Ergnata saw him as a giant, with eyes like flaming swords; and when he blessed her, she saw the hands of Patrick over her. Ever afterwards she loved only with the spirit, and as if her body were of wood or stone. Colgan.

St. Ergoule, Gudula.

St. Erina, Herena.

St. Erkongota, Ercongota.

St. Erme is probably the same as Enymie. There is a church and village of St. Erme in Cornwall.

SS. Ermelina, V., and Herneldia, Aug. 13. Ermelina is supposed to be the same as Ermelinda, Oct. 29. Herneldia's history is unknown. AA.SS.

St. Ermelinda (l), Oct. 29 (Ermelrnfis, Hebmelindis, and perhaps Ermelina). + end of 6th century. Patron of Meldært. Born of noble parentage, at Dunk, or Terdonck, or Odenca, near Louvain. Her family had large possessions in the north of France. She began to lead the life of a nun in her father's house at the age of twelve. As her parents could not induce her to marry, they gave her an estate, intending her to settle near them; but she thought she could not devote herself entirely to God unless she left her home and surroundings. She went to the village of Bevec, and lived there unknown for a considerable time, never leaving her mean little dwelling, except to go barefooted to church by day and night in all weathers. Two young seigneurs of the place, who were brothers, persecuted her with their admiration. One of them made a plan to carry her off by force, and tried in vain to bribe the doorkeeper of the church to help him. She was warned of her danger, and fled to Meldrick, afterwards Meldært, in the diocese of Mechlin, near Hugard, where she spent the rest of her life.

B. Pepin Landin, mayor of the palace, under Dagobert I., who was related to her family, was so impressed with the