Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/417

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ST. IDABERG 403 tho cliapcl. Her parents were still alive, and were comforted by bearing tbat sbe bad been found and ber innocence made manifest. They visited ber in ber new abode. Tbe count repented of all bis sins, and led the sbort remainder of bis life in great piety. Sucb crowds of people came to see ber and to ask ber prayers, tbat sbe begged the nuns of Fiscbingen to give ber a cell in tbeir convent. Tbere sbe lived to a great age, and tbere sbe was buried before the altar of St. Nicolas, about 1226. Sbe was bonourcd as a saint in ber life and after ber doatb ; and is always called, in tbat region, die Heilige Itha, B. Peter Kanisius bas written ber Life for the comfort of all sufferers. AA.SS. gives the story witb dates and a service and bymns in ber bonour used from ancient times. Ott, Die Ugende, Cabier. Ferrarius. B. Ida fO) of Nivelle, April 13, Oct. 29, Nov. 29, Dec. 11, also called Ida of Eamey, of Louvain, of Leewa or Lewis, of Kercbum, of Namur, of Boosendael, near Mecblin. 13tb century. Cister- cian nun, bom eitber at Nivelle or at Lewis. From ber earliest youth sbe gave ber wbole attention to practices of devotion and mortification. For some time sbe bent ber knees eleven bundred times a day. Sbe became a Cistercian nun at the convent of Bamey, in Brabant, near Namur, and arrived at sucb per- fection tbat sbe could read bearts, foretell tbe future, release the souls of the living from temptation, and tbose of the dead from Purgatory. Sbe frequently saw and conversed witb saints and angels. Pier sympathy and cbarity for sinners was so great tbat sbe was often ill for very sorrow. Once Christ appeared to ber in a vision, and caught in a gold basin, the tears sbe shed during ber prayers. He washed ber face, an angel standing by and handing her a towel. Tbe Blessed Virgin Mary repeatedly gave ber the Infant Christ to hold and to kiss. Once, on a feast day, the Blessed Virgin appeared to Ida " at the vigils of the night " with the Holy Child in ber arms, and presented Him to Ida. While holding Him in ber arms, it came to Ida's turn to intone a psalm. The rule required ber to do it witb arms hanging straight down ; afraid of break- ing tho statutes, she said to the Child, " Take care of Yourself now, for I must obey my rules.** She let down ber arms and sleeves full length, the Holy Child clung to her neck. Ida sang better than usual, and then sat down and took ber Precious Charge on her lap. She was marked with the five wounds of Christ which appeared as circles of divers colours, and sbe felt the crown of thorns on ber bead. She died at the age of thirty-two. AM.M, for the Benedictines, April 13. Papebroch, in AA,SS,, Oct. 29, from ber Life by Hugo ber confessor. Bucelinus, Dec. 11 and Oct. 29. H. CoUins, Cis- tercian Legends of ISih Century, Biog, Nationale de Belgique, Le Mire, Fasti, Molanus, Histoire de Louvain, B. Ida (10) of Li6ge, March 25, May 7, 13th century. Cistercian. First abbess of Argensol in Champagne. Migne, Die, Hag. Bucelinus calls ber Blanche (3). St. Idaberg (l), Ida (3). St. Idaberg (2), Edbuug, daughter of Penda. St. Idaberg (3), May 21 (Gibla, GlSLEBEKOA, ISBEKGUE, ISBURG, IsiBEROA, Itisberga, Itisburg, Sitisberg, Stib- BERGA, Ybergue), V. + c. 770 or 780. Represented holding an eel in ber band or on a dish, and sometimes wearing a crown and a mantle adorned with fleurs de lys. Said to be daughter of King Pepin and sister of Charlemagne. Nun at Area or Aire, in Artois. Legend says tbat a powerful prince sought her band, but sbe, aspiring to a higher destiny, prayed that be might desist from bis suit. She fell ill and ber beautiful face became a mass of ugly spots. Tbe prince withdrew bis offer. It was revealed that sbe should be cured by eating the first fish caught in the river Lys. Her people took much trouble to find her a good fish, but nothing could they take except a little eel and the body of St. Venantius, ber confessor, who bad been murdered and thrown into the river by ber disappointed lover. AA,SS, Martin Molanus inclodj^^