Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/450

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436 ST. JOANNA guilt to be assigned to the Chnrch who accomplished this judicial murder, the enemies who rejoiced at her death, and the friends who deserted her in her utmost need. Pius X. has declared her Venerable, and it is reported that her canonization is imminent. St. Joanna, May 24, June 27 ( Joane; Hebrew, Jehohanan ; Syriac, Juchan), 1st century. One of the IJQguentifene or Myrophores, i.e. ointment-bearers. Patron of the cellarers or caterers of convents. Wife of Chuza, the steward of Herod Antipas, tetrarch of G^alilee. Eepresented holding a vase, a purse with several divisions in it, or a basket containing broad and other provisions ; sometimes with bottles beside her, or carrying them in a basket Our Lord, as He journeyed, preaching the gospel, was followed, not only by the apostles, but also by ** certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities . . . which ministered unto Him of their substance." The customs of the country allowed them to show their gratitude and friendship in this way. Among these was Joanna. 8ho was one of those who brought spices and ointments to embalm His body, and who carried the tidings of His resurrection to the apostles. She has been honoured as a saint since the 9 th century, and is mentioned in the ancient Latin and modern Eoman martyrologies on May 24. The Mnrtiloge of Salisbury calls May 24 " The fecst also of saynt Joane y' was wfye unto Chusi Horodes proctour that sent unto her husbond (as is re- membred in y® gospoU) that he sholde not medio aga3mst Chryst." In tho Greek Church all the holy women who went to Christ's sepulchre are honoured, with Joseph of Arimathea, on tho second Sunday after Easter. Joanna is mentioned twice by name in the Bible, St. Luke viii. 3 ; xxiv. 10. B,M. AA,SS. 6mith, Die, of the Bible, " Joanna." M'Clintock, Cyclopaedia of Biblical Literature. Gill, Exposition of the New Testament, Bailie t. Vies, " Sainte Jeanne." Martinov, Graeco - Slavonian Calendar, June 27. Cahier. St. Jocunda (l), May 10, M. at Tarsus in Cilicia. AA.SS, St. Jocunda (2), Jane 2, one of a list of 227 Boman martyrs oommemorated by St. Jerome. AA.SS. St. Jocunda (3), M. with St. Julia OP Tboyes. St. Jocundianilla, July 2, M. at Bome or in Mesopotamia. AAJSS, St. Johanna, Jane. Joheleth, Yoland (3). St. Jolana or Okolana, Yoland (1). B. Jolenta (l), the Penitent, Oct J», Dec. 10, + before 1246, a nun at Moustier-sur-8ambre, near Namur in Belgium, where the discipline was lax. Desiring a stricter rule, she joined the Cistercians at Aquiria. After her death, she appeared in glory to St. Lntgard. Bucelinus, Dec. 10. AA.SS., Praeter, Oct. 9. B. Jolenta (2), April 23, June 10, 10, 24 (Helena, BtaJiEN, Yolakd), -f 129G or 1299. Daughter of Bela IV., king of Hungary, consequently niece of St. Elisabeth of Hungary and sisier of St. Einga or Cunegunt) (4). Jolenta was married, in 125G, to Boleslas the Pious, duke of Galicia in Poland. They founded a nunnery of the Order of St Francis at Gnesn. They had an only daughter Hedwig, who married Ladislas, called Loktek, duke of Cujava, and was mother of Casimir, famous as the first king who gave Poland settled laws. Jolenta lived some time at the court of Einga and her husband. The two holy sisters became widows in 1279, and both took the veil in the Franciscan convent of Sandecz founded by Einga. Jolenta was buried at Sandecz. Although her tomb was honoured with miracles, it was expressly ordered that she should not be worshipped, as the authority of the Church had not been given to do so. However, in 1827, her immemorial worship was confirmed by the Congre- gation of Bites. Bomano Seraphic Mart. in B.M, Appendix. AA,SS., Prwter, July 24, Apnl 23. Diario Bomano, Sept. 28, 1827. Franciscan Breviary, Lessons for her office. Jolenta 03), Yoland (3). St. Jonella, Jonilla. St. Jonilla, Jan. 17 (Conilla, Fo- NiLLA, Janilla, Jeonilla, Jonella, Jo- viLLA, JuNiLLA, Tunilla), sistor and