Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/477

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B. LOUISA 463 She used to leave her nuns a little i^ay off and proceed to the church, accom- panied only by one old nun. When years began to weigh upon her, she felt that the time had come when she should resign all earthly cares into younger hands, and prepare herself by stricter devotion and quiet meditation for death. She inspected all the monas- teries under her rule, and having set everything in order, she left Bischofsheim and wont, by advice of Lullus, to Scho- nersheim near Mayence. St. Hildboard, the wife of Charlemagne, begged her to leave her solitude and come to Aix-la- Chapelle. Lioba went, but refused her friend's invitation to stay even for a few days. She took an affectionate farewell of the empress, saying it was their last meeting in this world, and praying that they might meet without shame in the day of judgment. She then returned to Schonersheim, where she died very soon afterwards. Her body was taken to Fulda, in obedience to the will of St. Boniface, but the monks unwilling to open his grave, buried her near the altar he had built in honour of Christ and the twelve Apostles. Among the miracles of Lioba, it is said that she checked a fire which was raging in the village and threatened the monastery; stilled a tempest; and re- stored one of her nuns from the point of death to perfect health. BM, Brit. Sancta. Baillet. Her Life, AA.S8. 0.8.B,, was written by a monk of Fulda, from information gained by talks with four of her nuns, one of whom was Agatha (4). St Liobette. (See Lubetia.) St. Liotheria, Liceria. St* Lioubette, Lioba ; sometimes, Lubetia. St. Liourade, Liberata. Liouvette, Lioba. Lisanie, Lizagne. St. Lispet, Elisabeth. St* Lissiere, Lioeria. St. Literia or Lithbria, Liceria. St. Liutberg, Fob. 28, + 870. Adopted daughter of Count Umvan and his wife Oisla, daughter of Hessi. Liut- berg became a recluse at Halberstadt. Pertz, Monumenia Germanise. St. Liutgard, Lutgard. St Liuthold, LuFTHOLD. St. Livaria, Libaria. St Livette, Lioba. St. Liurade, Wilgbfortis. St. Lizaigne or Lisanie. Patron of a church near Issoudun in the diocese of Bourges. Migne. Cahier. St. Llechid, Deo. 2, first half of 6th century. Daughter of Ithel Hael, and founder of Llanllechid, Caernarvonshire. Ithel Hael was a Breton prince, whose numerous children embraced a religious life and migrated to Wales, where they built churches. Bees. St Lleian. Grand-daughter of Brychan. {See Almhbda.) Wife of Gafran and mother of Aeddan Fradog, who was defeated at Arderydd in Scot- land, and fled to the Isle of Man, where Lleian also settled. The chapel of Llanlleian is perhaps dedicated to her ; but perhaps it only means the chapel of the nun. Bees. St Locaye or Locaie, Leocadia. St. Lochina or Lochinia. Sister of St. Fanchea. St. Locusta or LucusA, May 21, M. at Ceesarea in Cappadocia. AA.SS. B. Lodovica, Louisa. St. Lois. {See EoNK^K.) St LoUia. (See Proba (2).) St LollOCa, L ALLOC A. St Lombrosa, Nov. l, in the king- dom of Leon. Mas Latrio. SS. Longa (l, 2) or Longesa, Sept. 28, MM. in Africa. AA.SS. St Lonilla, Leonilla. St. Lorenza, Lauka. St. Lota, M. with Chariessa. St. Loueve, Laudoveva. Cahior. B. Louisa (l) of Savoy, July 24, Oct. 1, 1461 or 1463-1503. Daughter of B. Amadeus IX., third duke of Savoy, by Yolande, daughter of Charles VII. of France. At eighteen, her uncle Louis XL, king of France, married her te Hugh, prince of Chalons, Orbe, ete. Her in- fluence over him was very beneficial. They lived at the Castle of Nozeroy and ordered their house in the most exemplary manner. After eleven years of marriage, Hugh died. Louisa became a nun in the Franciscan convent of Orbe. She was the first nun to receive the vq.L