Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 1.djvu/69

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and brought it with all speed. They went to her, and found her in a fever. The abbot kneeled down beside her. She sat up in her lair, kissed the old man's head, and entreated him to bury her in the clothes she wore, and not to reveal her story or her sex to any one; then she begged his prayers and blessing, and gave him hers. When he had signed her with the cross, her face beamed with celestial light, and illumined the cavern as if many lamps had been there. Then she died, and the two monks buried her. As they were returning home, the younger monk said, "Father, do you know that that man was a woman?" The abbot said, "I know it, my son." Then he told him her story, and the reason of her concealment. AA,SS., from the great Meneaa of the Greek Church. St. Anastasia (8), Sept. 9, Dec. 8,

Dec. 9, V. 8th century. Third or fifth abbess of Horres, near Treves. Bucelinns, Men. Ben, Ferrarius, Martyrology, Usuard and Molanus, in their Calendars.

B. Anastasia (9), Dec 24, V. Cistercian nun at Eamey, in Brabant, appeared, after her death, to her friend B. Ida of Nivolle, dressed in splendid purple robes, adorned with jewels, surrounded with a great and glorious light, and attended by a multitude of holy virgins. Ida asked her how she had earned this promotion, and she said, "Inasmuch as for a long time I patiently endured grievous bodily sufferings, a scourge with which my Father was pleased to afflict me, therefore I am numbered among the martyrs. By the four splendid stones that you see in my crown, are meant the four principalirtues: Wisdom, Temperance, Fortitude, and Justice." Having said this, she departed. Bucelinus, Men. Ben. Henriquez, Lilia.

B. Anastasia (10), Dec. 8. 1240. Duchess of Pomcrania. Daughter of Mieczhlaws, duke of Poland. Married, in 1177, as his second wife, Bogislaw L, duke of Pommern Stettin, who died March 18, 1187. Anastasia then built the Bed Monastery, in the diocese of Spalato, in Sclavonia. She brought thither, 10 nuns of the Praæonstratensian Order, from the Bethlehemite monastery, in Frisia. ELaving divided her lands and goods between her two sons, she betook herself to her new monastery, and lived there, in groat strictness and humility, as a lay-sister. Miræus, Ordinis Præmonstratensis Chronicon, p. 179. Bülow, Stammtafeln des Pommersch Rüsischen Füsetenhauses, p. 4. Le Paige, Bibl. Ord. Præmonst. Helyot, Ordres Monastiques ii. 26.

St. Anastaso, or Anastasone, July 18. Matron in Epirus. Gu6rin.

St Anatolia (l), Photina (l).

St Anatolia (2J, July 9, V. M. 3rd century. Sister of St. Victoria. Represented (1) with torches and serpents ; (2) delivering a man from a dragon; (3) breathing in the face of a possessed man. Anatolia and Victoria were banished from Rome, in the persecution under Decius, because they had made a vow of virginity. Anatolia, after showing her sanctity by casting out devils, was shut up with a serpent. It did her no harm, but bit Audax, her guard. She took the serpent in her hand, spoke to it, and sent it away. She cured Audax and converted him. They were both tortured and put to death. She was buried at Terano, in the Sabine hills. She is honoured with Audax, July 9; and with her sister Victoria, Dec. 18; and Victoria has a separate festival, Dec. 23. B.M. Boll., AA.SS. Hare, Cities of Italy. Husenbeth.

SS. Anatolia (3) and Faustina, or Fklicitas, July 9, MM. with seven Christian priests. Boll., AA.SS.

St Ancilla, April 5, V. M. 343. Maidservant, either to St. Pherbutha or her widowed sister, and martyred with them under Sapor, king of Persia. See Tarbula.

SS. Androna and Theodota, Nov. 1, 3, MM., with Severus and Theodotus. Mentioned in a metrical Greek Martyrology. G. V. H., in AA.SS., Nov. 3.

St. Andropelagia, Sept. 6. c. 250. V. M. with her sister Thecla or Theocla, and Calodota, at Alexandria, in Egypt, with a priest, a deacon, a reader, a soldier, a sailor, and four other men. AA.SS.

St Anea, May 28 (Ania, Anias), M. at Rome. AA.SS.

St Aneglia, Ognib, Ogniks, or