Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 2.djvu/18

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6 ST. MAGNA or Magbuden. A parish in Fife is called Exmagirdle, a contraction of Ecclesia Magirden or Magridden, per- haps an ancient Scottish saint. Possibly the name is derived from Magdalene. St. Magna, May 6, V., bom at Ancyra, was compelled by her mother to marry. Her hnsband soon died and left her his sole heiress. She led a holy and laborious life, and gave all her snbstance in charity and piety. Palladins, Lautiaca, St. Magnentia (l). (See Camilla 0).) St Magnentia (2), Nov. 26. Re- presented with St. Germain d'Anxerre. She accompanied his relics when they were brought back from Havenoa : none of her companions in this pions office seem to be represented with him. Mag- nentia died at Ste. Magnence near Avallon. AA,88, Cahier. St. MsLgrsLy Macra. St. Magriden or Magruden, Ma- OIBDEN. St. Magrina or Materna. (See Pecinna.) St. Maharite, Mabgabet is so called in Brittany. Cahier. Gu^rin. St. Mahault or Mahaut, Matilda. St. Mahouly Matilda. St. Maikie, probably Mazota. Forbes. St. Mainna, Feb. 20, V. mentioned in an old Irish martyrology. Colgan thinks it is a mistake for Moenna or Mainus, a monk or hermit. St. Maixence, Maxentia. St. Majola or Majolus, May 10, M. at Tarsus in Cilicia. AA.SS. St Major or Majeure, companion of St. Saturninus. Gu^rin gives her no day, and as he enumerates seventy-three SS. Saturninus, this is not very en- lightening. St. Majorica (l), April 30, M. at Alexandria. AA,SS. St. Majorica (2), April 30, M. at Aphrodisia in Caria. AA.SS. St. Majosa, June 1, M. with Au- cega. AA,S8. St. Majota, Dec 18, V. commemo- rated in the Scotch Breviary. Per- haps same as Mazota. St. Maker, Macba. St. Malachia or Malachie, Nov. 20, V. M. Gu^rin. St. Maid, Matilda (4). St. Malda, Mafalda. St. Maldeberta, Madklbert. B. Malfalda, Mafalda. St. Malina, April 28, M. with 170 others, at Tarsus in Cilicia. Perhaps a woman. Worshipped at Narbonne and said to have lived and died there. AA,SS. St. Malque, Malchia or Malchie, Guerin, Table Alphahitique, Perhaps this is the same as'i Malachia. St. Mama (1) V. M. with Bahuta. St. Mama (2), June 11, V. Per- haps a companion of Nina. Armenio- Georgian Calendar, St. Mamelchta (i), Mamlacha. St. Mamelchta (2), Mamelta. St. Mamelta or Mamelchta (2), Oct. 17, 5, M. probably 5th century. A native of Persia. She was an attendant in a temple of Diana, but she had a sister who was a Christian. Mamelta, in a dream, saw an angel who showed her the mysteries of the Christian religion. She awoke in a fright and told her dream to her sister, who took her to the bishop ; he instructed and baptized her, her sister being godmother. While she was still dressed in her bap- tismal robes, the people attacked her furiously, stoned her to death and threw her into a deep lake, from which she was with difficulty taken up by the Christians. The Bishop obtained from the King of Persia an order to have the temple of Diana overthrown and a church built on its site, dedicated to the God of the Christians, in the name of the Martyr Mamelta. When it was built he de- posited her precious remains there. Assemani erroneously confounds her with Mamlaoha. R.M. AA.SS. St Mamica. (See Anna (7).) St. Mamilla was formerly honoured in Palestine. Gu^rin. St. Mamlacha or Mamelchta (1). (See Bahuta.) Assemani, Bibliotheca Orientale, erroneously confounds her with Mamelta. AA.SS. Butler. St Mammas or Mamas, July 17, M. If the former, a woman ; and if Mamas, a man. AA.SS.