Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 2.djvu/184

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172 ST. PYRISKA She and one or more of her sisters were nuns at Corbio. She was translated to the new abbey of Herford, in Saxony, in the 9th centnry. The Saxons had no early saints of their own. They had been converted at the point of the sword. Among their ancestors were no martyred Christians: the persecution was in the opposite direction ; it was a war almost of extermination by Chris- tians against heathen. Therefore, when they built churches they had to import relics and bodies of saints from other places. The reign of Hadewy, one of the early abbesses of Herford, was chiefly distinguished by the translation of the body of St. Pusinna to the chnrch of Hadewy's monastery ; it was sent from Corbie by the abbess's brother Eobbo, a great Saxon chief. AA,SS. Eckenstein. St. Pyriska, Irene (16), wife of the Emperor John. Q St Quadragesima, May 4, V. M. Her body was found at Cagliari, Feb. 14, 1626. She is said to have been mar- tyred in the time of Adrian. Hensche- nius considered the authority for her worship and martyrdom insu£Gicient, and placed her among the Prsetermiaai on both days. AA.S8. St. Quartia (l), one of the Martyrs of Lyons who died in prison or was be- headed. (See Blandixa^ St Quartilla (l), March 19, M. at Sorrento, with Quinctus, Quintilla, and others. B,M, St Quartilla (2), April 6, M. at Nicomedia, in Bithynia. AA.SS. St. Quartillosia, Fob. 24, M. in Africa with St. Montarius, in whose Acts she is mentioned. AA.SS. St. Quelindra, Chelindra. St Quenburga, Quimburg. St. Queta, Quieta. St. Quieta or Queta, Nov. 28, -f- c. 450. Wife of St. Hilary, a senator of Dijon. They had several children, among whom was St. John, abbot of R6ome. Hilary was buried in the church of St. John at Dijon, and when a year later, Quieta was laid in the same grave, he stretched out his right hand, put it round her neck and drew her to his heart. Gu^rin. Gynecseum, St Quietia, June l, M. with St. AUCEGA. St. Quihere, Quitekia. Chastelain. St. Quilina, June 24. Supposed to be Aquilixa (2) or (3). B. Quilisinda, Jan. 20, Aug. 22, + 660. Nun under St. Fara. She did not know her letters, but knew the Pen- tateuch and the Grospels and the Epistles of St. Paul by heart Bucelinus. Oyne^ ceeum, St Quimburg, Coenbuboa, Quen- BUBGA, or QuiNBERG. Sister of St. CuTHBURGA, and commemorated with her at Wimborne. St. Quinctia Marcella, June 28, M. 202. Mother of Potamicena (1;. Both falsely claimed by Spanish writers as belonging to their country. AAJSS. St. Quinta (l), 6honta, Cointa, Concha, Corintha, Covita, Coyta, Thonna, or ToNiTA, M. 249. A Chris- tian of Alexandria, where, during the winter of 241), the mob were excited against the Christians by a man who united the professions of poet and sooth- sayer. A few days after the martyrdom of the aged St. Metras, Quinta was seized, dragged into a temple, and or- dered to worship the idol there. On her refusal she was tied by the feet and dragged over the rough pavement of the city to a place outside the walls, where they stoned her. St. Apologia (1) suffered in the same persecution. AA^S. Neale, Eastern Church, Craik. St. Quinta (2), May 7, M. in Africa. AA.8S. St. Quinta (3), April 20, M. in Via Nomentana at Bome. AA.SS. St. Quintianilla or Cantionilla, June 14, M. at Specia. The place cannot be identified. AA.SS. St Quintigemai Eentigkrna.