Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 2.djvu/22

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10 ST. MARCELLA St. Marcella (8), July 22, M. Wor- shipped in the island of Ohio, where pebbles used to be found on the seashore full of clotted blood ; when crushed and kept in a bottle, the dust cured all manner of diseases. This miracle and certain nocturnal apparitions accounted for Mar- cella's worship as a saint and martyr. The Bollandists do not consider this flofficient authority. AA,SS.f Prseter, St. Marcella (9), Mabchell. St. Marcellina (l), June 2. One of two hundred and twenty-seven Eoman martyrs, commemorated together this day in the Martyrology of St, Jerome, AA,SS, St. Marcellina (2). M. with Antiga. St. Marcellina (3), Feb. 24, M. with many others at Nicomedia. AA,88, St. Marcellina (4), July 17, V. + 398. Eepresented with two boys. Daughter of Ambrose, a Roman of high birth, prefect of the Gauls. She had two brothers, younger than herself: St. Satyrus and the great St. Ambrose, bishop of Milan from 374 to 397. She is credited with a large share in their education, and the three were united by the most deyoted affection as long as they lived. It is remarkable that al- though brought up in the highest morality and Christian piety, neither of these holy men was baptized in youth; Ambrose, only after he was elected bishop of Milan. Marcelliua received the veil of a consecrated virgin from Pope Liberius, at Home, on the night of Christmas-day, 352, 353, or 354. On that occasion the Pope preached a sermon which is preserved by Ambrose in De Virginihus, She continued to live in her mother's house in Homo, and was one of the circle of devout and studious Ohristian ladies who so frequently met at the house of Marcella (7;. When Ambrose was compelled to accept the bishopric of Milan, Satyrus gave up a good appointment in order to live near him and manage his secu- lar affairs; Marcellina lived near her brothers, and was their adviser and confidant. She congratulated Ambrose on his fame and success as a preacher, and suggested that as she could not come to hear his sermons, he should send them to her. He then embodied that course of sermons in three books dedicated to his sister and entitled De Virginibus. It contains the address of Liberius to Marcellina, and her name occurs frequently throughout the book. B.M, AA,SS. Three of the most important letters of St. Ambrose are ad- dressed to Marcellina; she is praised in his funeral sermon on their brother Satyrus, and in other works. Smith and Waoe, " Ambrosius " and " Marcellina." St. Marcelliosa or Marcelona, May 20, M. in Afnca. AA,SS. St. Marcesine is in Guerin's table. (See Marchesina.) St. Marchell or Marcella, Oct 26, Sept. 5. 6th century. Welsh. Daughter of St Arwystli Gloff and Twynwedd ; and sister of four sainted men. They were of the race of Seithen. There were six other saints of the same family. Marchell founded Tstrad Marchell, in Montgomery ; an abbey was afterwards built there and called Strata Marckella, Hees. B. Marchesina Luzi, Jan. 10, + 15 10, 3rd O.S.A. She was murdered in a cave on the mountain of Mambrica in Italy, by her brother Mariotto of Yisso, with circumstances of peculiar atrocity. The crime was miraculously brought to light. Such were the universal con- viction of her innocence and esteem for her sanctity, that from that day she began to be worshipped and miracles encouraged those who sought her aid. Cmlia Cattolica^ Aug. 18, Bibliography^ note. St. Marchilla, July 22, is mentioned in the Arabico Egyptian Mart. AA^SS.^ Prseter. St. Marcia (l), March 3, M. with St. Felix and others. B.M. St. Marcia (2), June 5, 6, M. at CsDsarea in Palestine, with Zenais, Cybia (1), and Valeria. B.M. St. Marcia (3), July 2, with St. Stmphobosa and eight men; MM. in Campania, under Diocletian. B.M. St. Marcia (4), July ll, + c 300. Mother of SS. Marcellian and Mark. She is mentioned in the life of St. Sebastian. Silvano Razzi, Sanctis ilfu- liehris. AA.SS. SS. Marcia (•'>-i7) (Macaria,Mauoa,