Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 2.djvu/228

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21«  ST. SANYSIA St Sanysia, Deo. 30, M. at Thessa- lonica. B,M, St. Sapida, May 7, M. in Africa. AA.SS. St. Sapientia (1), Sophia (1). St Sapientia (2). {See Bmgid (1).) B. Sapientia (3), March 31, prioreas of the Cistercian nnnnery of Mont ComiUon, near Liege. She brought np St. Juliana (21) and her sister Agnes. Henriquez. Bucelinns. St Sara (i), Saeah, or Sarai, March 19, wife of the patriarch Abra- ham and — at the age of ninety — ^mother of Isaac. Supposed to be the same as Iscah, daughter of Haran and sister of MUcah, wife of Nahor. This is the Jewish tradition and is followed by Josephus and St. Jerome. On this theory. Lot was the brother of Sarah. Jewish tradition also says that she died of the shock of the sacrifice of Isaac, and that when Abraham returned from Mount Moriah he found her dead. She died at Hebron at the age of a hundred and twenty-seven, and was buried in the cave of Macpelah, which was bought by Abraham for that purpose and was the only spot of groimd he had in the land promised to his descendants. It is a place of pilgrimage to Christians, Jews and Mohammedfljis, and her resting- place is pointed out opposite to that of Abraham, with those of Isaac and Bebekah on one side and Jacob and Leah on the other. Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, Baillet. St Sara (2) or Sabbtte, April 0, serving-maid to St. Mart (5). Sara's body was taken to France and there hidden; it was discovered in 1448. St Sara (3), April 24, V. M. in Syria. Not found in the oldest mar- tyrologies but mentioned by Greven and Canisius. St. Sara (4), July 13, V. Abbess in the desert of Sccte, in Libya, towards the end of the 4th century. For thirteen years she endured perpetual persecution from an evil spirit, who sometimes appeared visibly to her ; she never prayed for his removal, but only for fortitude for the struggle. She lived for sixty years close to a river without ever caring to look at it AA.SS. Sylva Anachjreticn, Sara (5), V. Abbess. Commemo- rated by Witford, de ViHi Patrum prm- darm virtutit. Perhaps Saba (4). AA,SS. St Sara TG). (See Bbknak.) St. Saracnilde, PharaIldis. St Sarbilia, Darkroa (2). St. Sarmata (l), Jan. 18, M. Odo of thirty-seven martyrs in Egypt. AA^SS. St Sarmata (2), Oct. 11, M. in Thebals. BM. St. Sarmatia, Sarmitia, or Ssbmatia, June 2. One of two hundred aud twenty-seven Eoman martyrs com- memorated together by St Jerome. AA.SS. St Samata of Dairinis, April 15. Irish. AA,SS.i Pneier. St Sarta or Sata, Jan. 17, M. in Africa. AA.SS. St Satira, May 10, M. at Tarsus in Cilicia. AA.SS, St Sativola, Sidwell. St Satuma (l), May 10, M. at Tarsus in Cilicia. AA.SS. St Satuma (2) or, according to St. Jerome, Saturntjs, Feb. 7, M. Com- memorated with Anatolius and other martyrs, Jan. 7, in several old martyr- ologies. AA,SS.y Feb. 7. St Satumia or Saturnina, May 24, M. in Syria. St. Satumilla, Feb. 9, M. One of many martyrs in Egypt, commemorated on this day in the Mcurt, of SL Jerome. AA.SS. SS. Saturnina (1-23), are dtetl by the Bollandists trom the ancient calendars ; six of these are in a list of two hundred and twenty-seven Boman martyrs in St. Jerome's Mart.^ June 2 ; two are in the list with St. Auoiga, June 1 ; one — but it is not known which — is patron of Heerse, whither she was translated from Rome with miracles: one was a companion of SS. Mart (1(i) and Victoria at Avitina. St. Saturnina (24), June 4, V. of a noble family in dermany, M. at Arras in Artois. At an early age she made a vow of celibacy, and fled from her homo to avoid being compelled to marry. Her