Page:A Dictionary of Saintly Women Volume 2.djvu/258

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246 ST. THECLA St. Thecla (3) or Theocla, Sept. 6, V. M., sister of St. Andbopblagia. AA.SS. St. Thecla (4). (See Archelaa.) SS. Thecla (5-10), MM., different days and places. SS. Thecla (ll), V. and Justina (1), Jan. 10, 3rd century. Thecla was a lady of rank and large property at Lentini in Sicily, daughter of St. Isidora. She protected and assisted many of the persecuted Christians and ransomed and buried the bodies of martyrs. She was paralysed and bedridden for several years and was cured by SS. Alphius, Philadelphus and Cyrinns. Alphius also cured her sister-in-law Justina, who had lost the sight of one eye. From the time of Thecla's recovery she ceased not to minister to the three holy men and when they were put to death she had their bodies taken up from the well in which they had been cast, and reverently buried. When Tertullus, the governor, heard this he sent for her. Five hun- dred of her servants assembled to defend her but she sent them away, trusting only in God. Tertullus opportunely died. Thecla thenceforth gave her pro- perty and labour nnresorvedly to the work of converting the Leontines, in which she was assisted by some of the clergy whom she had sheltered and by her friend Justina. She turned a heathen temple into a church of the Virgin Mary and built several other churches. AA.SS, St. Thecla (12) or Thbodola, March 26, M. with several others. She is sup- posed to have been among the many Christians who used to meet at the palace of St. Castulus, M., who is honoured the same day and who was a friend of Pope (St.) Cains. Castulus was put to death in the persecution under Diocletian and Maximian. I{.M, AA.SS, St. Thecla (13), Aug. 19, M. 304 or 305. She was condemned with St. Aga- pius, at Gaza in Palestine, to be torn by beasts; the sentence was not put in execution ; St. Agapius was removed to CaBsarea, where after two years' imprison- ment and many tortures, ho was put to death. The manner of Thecla's death is not known, but she is accounted a martyr and honoured as snch with SS. Agapius and Timothy. The S.JIf. says she was torn by the teeth of the beast and so passed to her Lord. St. Timothy was burned immediately before Agapius and Thecla were condemned. B,M. AA.SS. Butler. Baillet. St. Thecla (U), Aug. 3, M. with her husband St. Boniface, beginning of 4th century, at Adrumetnm in Africa. They had twelve sons whom they daily instructed in the Holy Scriptures, and who were afterwards martyred together at Beneventum in Italy, Sept. 1. i^.lf., Aug. 30. AA.SS,y Aug. 3. St. Thecla (15), Nov. 20, M. c. 343, with several other women. She was a nnn in Persia under Sapor. When she was beheaded three virgins were stabbed, and from their blood sprang a fig-tree which cured all diseases until the Mani- chseans, jealous on account of the miracles, cut it down. Menology of Baml. (See Bahuta.) SS.Thecla(iO),Mariamna or Abu; Martha, Mary, and Enneim, June t>, VV. MM. in Persia, 4th century. They are called canonical virgins, that is to say they were devoted to the service of the Church and to a life of prayer and self-denial. They lived in the house of a rich Christian priest, named Paul, near the town of Asa in Persia, in the reign of Sapor. Paul performed the sacred rites and sang with these holy women but he enriched himself out of the offerings that were made to the Church. Narses, the chief magician said to the king: <' There is a oertaia Christian priest who has immense wealth. Now, if yon want to get it for yourself, order him and the virgins whom he has with him to be arrested ; they will refuse to abjure their faith, and you can seize upon their possessions." The king did as Narses advised. Paul said to the messengers, " Why do yon confiscate our goods, we have done no harm ? " They answered, " Because you are a Christian and do not obey the king." The priest answered, " Well, what am I to do ? " The king's officers said, ** If you will worship the sun and eat blood, you may take your goods and go home." The wretch looked round