Page:A Dictionary of the Targumim, the Talmud Babli and Yerushalmi, and the Midrashic Literature, Volume 1 (1903).djvu/19

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R. Hash. IV, 5; a. fr.—3) Aboth, name of a treatise of the Mishnah, containing sayings of Talmudic authorities and belonging to the fourth section, נזיקין, of the Mishnah collection (משניות); also styled פִּ‏רְקֵי א׳ a. מְסֶ‏כֶ‏ת א׳. A similar collection of a later date is contained in Talmud Babli editions, named א׳ דרבי נתן Aboth d'Rabbi Nathan. [Y. Yoma VIII, 44d top אב בית נפש v. אֲבֵידָ‏ה.]

אָב II ch., v אַ‏בָּ‏א.

אֵב,אֵיב(אוֹ‏ב) m. (b. h.; אבב) swelling, spreading, whence 1) the young shoots of a tree, opp. to the branches growing directly from the trunk. B. Kam. 81a אִיבּ‏וֹ‏ של אילן ed. (Ar. a. Ms. אבב, v. חוֹ‏ב II, cmp. Rashi a. 1.). [Y. Erub. III, 21a top איבו; Y. Succ. II, 53a צידו.]—2) pl. אִבִּין, אִיבִּין state of growth, development. Ḥull. 58a cascuta which became wormy באִבּ‏ֶ‏יהָ‏ during its growth. Ib. 127b figs which shrunk באִבֵּיהֶ‏ן during development. Y. Sabb. VII, 10c bot. he who presses olives מאִבֵּיהֶ‏ן from where they grow (before they are ripe to be taken off). [Tosef. Maasr. I, 4 איבּין אדומים, Var. אובין, read אוּגִין, v. אוֹ‏ג.] Ib. 5 they differ על האיבין concerning the plants in their growing state (between ripening [גמר] and. blossoming [הנץ]; Var. אונין incorr.); cmp. יָ‏בַ‏ן Ch. v. אִיבּ‏ָ‏א I.

אַבָּא I,אָב ch.=h. אָב II. Targ. Gen. XVII, 4. Targ. O. ib. XLI, 43; a. fr.—Freq. אַבָּא (also in. Hebr. phraseol.) my father. Snh. III, 2. B. Bath IX, 3; a. fr. Meg. 12b אהורייריה דא׳ my father's steward. אבי א׳ my grandfather. Ber. 10a bot.—Snh. 113a bot. א׳ אליהו father Elijah (sarcastically).—אָבוֹהֵ ד־, אָבוֹי ד־ N.'s father. Ber. 81b; Y. B. Mets. IV, 9c top; a. fr.— א׳ סב, א׳ רבה grandfather. Targ. II, Esth. VII, 10. Yeb. 21b.—Trnsf. origin, source. Sabb. 22a אֲבוּהוֹן דכולהון דם the source of all analogous cases is the law about blood (that you must cover it from a sense of propriety).—Pl. אֲבָהָן, אֲבָהָתָא Targ. Y. Deut; XXIV, 16. Targ. I Chr. I, 2; a. fr. Men. 53a בר א׳ of distinguished birth.— Kid. 83a; a. fr.— [אֲבָהֵי Targ. Prov. XIX, 14. Ms.; read with ed. Wil. אבהן; oth. ed. אבהו corr. acc.]

אַבָּא II,אַבָּה (בָּא, וָוא, וָוה in Y.) pr. n. m. Abba, (Ba, Va), a frequent name. [Sometimes distinguished persons go by that name, being orig. a title (v. next w.) while their real names are dropped; v. esp. Ber. 18b בעינא א׳ I want Abba &c.] The most distinguished are 1) א׳ אריכא, v. רַב.—2) רב א׳ v. רָבָא.— 3) א׳ בר אבהו (בר בא) Abba bar Abbahu (Ba), father of Samuel, an Amora.— 4) א׳ בר רב הונא, in Bab. רַבָּה q. v.— 5) א׳ מרי, contr. אבמרי Abba Mari, an Amora.—אבין, אבינא, contr. with ר׳ into רַבִּין, רַבִּינָא Rabbin, Rabbina.

אַבָּא III, Abba (father), a title of Scholars (less than Rabbi), as Abba Saul, A. Yudan, etc.; cmp. foreg.

אִבָּא m. (אבב) 1) thicket, woods, grove. M. Kat. 12b א׳ בשלניא a forest in Sh'lanya. Keth. 79a, v. זַרְדְּתָא. Snh. 39b (prov.) מיניה וביה א׳ ניזיל (ליזיל) ביה נרגא (Ag. Hatt. בנרגא, v. Rabb. D. S. a. I. note) from the very woods shall it go into the hatchet (as a handle to strike the woods).—2) fruit, v. אִיבּ‏ָ‏א.

אַבְאָבִית,אֲבָבִית,עַבְאָבִית,עֲבָבִית,עַוְעָוִית (reduplic. of אב, עב, עו; v. עַוִּית) prop. swelling, heaviness (cmp. כאב), hence disorder of the stomach, vomiting (spasms); usu. in connection with חמה), fever with vomiting. Gen. R. s. 19 did you ever hear, this ass here that is driven out חמה עליה אבבית עליה Ar. (ed. corrup. צינה עליו חככים עליו) has fever, has vomiting (spasms)? Ib. s. 53 חמה ואכאבית. V. אַכְאָבִית.

אבאטית, read אֲכָאטֵית.

אַבְאָשׁוּתָא f. (באש) offence, displeasure. Targ. Koh. VII, 3.

אָבַב (b. h.; √אב, cmp. עב, חב, גב, כב, קב &c., v. חָבַב I a. II; to be thick, to be heavy, to press; to surround; to twist; to be warm, glow etc. V. אבד, אבל, אבק, אבר, אבס, אבה &c.) to be thick, to swell, break forth; v. הבב a. חבב.

אֲבַב ch. same, to grow, ripen. Targ. Hos. IX, 10 מאבבא q. v.

אבבא, v. איב׳.

אֶבְגִּינוֹס, אֶוְוגִּינוֹס, אֶוְגִּינֵס m. (corr. —נֵיס εὐγενής) of noble descent Koh. R. beg.; a. fr. (Midr. Till, to Ps. I אבגינוס; Cant. R. beg. אווגיטוס, corr. acc.).—Pl. Yalk. Ps. 863 שהוא אֶוְגְּנֵסין (read בן א׳) he is the son of nobles; Midr. Till. to Ps. CV בן גנסין (corr. acc.) cmp. גְּנִיס.

אֶבְגְּנִיסְטֵי (read —סְטָטֵי), אֶוְוגִּינִיסְטָאטֵי pl. (εὐγενέστατοι) most noble. Ruth R. to I, 2. Midr. Sam. ch. I.

אבגרוטינה, v. אנג׳

אָבַד (b. h.; √אב, v. אבב) to be pressed, go around in despair (v. Prov. XXXI, 6; Deut. XXVI, 6). to be given up, whence 1) to be lost, perish; to be beyond recognition. Sifré Deut. 301 (ref. to Deut. XXVI, 5) לא ירד … אלא לאובד (read לוֹבֵר or לֶאֱבוֹד; Yalk. Deut. a. l. לאבדם prob. לְאַבְדָּן; Ms. Zer. Abr. 3 לֵיאָבֵד) Jacob went to Aram with no hope but to perish (be a slave &c.). Ohol. XVII, 3 a field שא׳ בו קבר in which there is a grave that cannot be located. Keth. XIII, 7 אָבְדָה דרך וכ׳ the path to his field cannot be traced. Gen. R. s. 91 אבידה א׳ לנו we have lost something; a. fr.—2) to lose. Ib. ואנו שאָבַדְנוּ ר׳ ס׳ and we who have lost (mourn for) R. S.; a. fr.—Part. pass. אָבוּד lost, irretrievable, perishing, decayed. Keth. 108a על הא׳ on a contribution to the Temple which has been lost on the road. Y. Shebi. IX, 38d top מאיליהן הן אֲבוּדִין they perish of themselves (they decay naturally); a. fr.

Nif. נֶאֱבַד to be lost, perish. Keth. 104a; a. fr. Sifré Deut. 301 לֵיאָבֵד v. supra.

Pi. אִיבֵּד 1) to waste, lose, forfeit, destroy. Ned. 33b אי׳ את מעותיו he wasted his money, (cannot reclaim it). Keth. XIII, 6 אי׳ את זכותו he forfeited his claim. Ab. Zar. 55a אנו נְאַבֵּד וכ׳ shall we give up our honest dealing? Ib. IV, 7 יְאַבֵּד עולמו shall He destroy His world?