Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/111

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Twenty-fourth Generation.

Rajah Sree Bangaru Yachama Naidu Bahadur.

Born 1722 A.D., installed 1755 A.D., died 1776 A.D.

Rajah Sarwagna Kumara Yachama Naidu. (23) Papamma =Rajah Bangaru Akkamma of Yachama Naidu = of ihasti Damara (24) Chengati Jupalli family. family.

Introductory. — As mentioned in the last generation, Rajah Sarwagna Kumara Yachama Naidu Bahadur had two sons, Bangaru Yachama Naidu and Pedda Yachama Naidu. The elder son naturally inherited the several taluks in the enjoyment of his father at the time of his death and began to bring them under his proper control. But just then disputes arose between the brothers and the younger wanted to share certain taluks in the enjoyment of his brother. Strangely enough affairs underwent a sudden