Page:A Family History of Venkatagiri Rajas.djvu/78

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the shelter of Yacha Sura. On hearing these details of such a heinous deed, many warriors joined the camp of Yacha Sura with a determination to restore the young prince to the throne of Vijayanagar, and when the word of challenge to fight was sent by Yacha Sura, Jagga Rai tried his best to persuade him to give up fighting but failed and in the end was forced to flee for life. Thus, the object of Yacha Sura was fulfilled, and with the crown and royal ornaments of his father taken as booty from Jagga Rai's camp, Rama Rai IV was duly declared king.

The chronicler Dr. Sewell makes mention in his manual of a letter obtained from the Portuguese Record in Lisbon, which was the foundation for all this writing. The letter, it seems, was addressed by a Portuguese Barados to his home from Cochin on 12th December 1666, and contained this information. The description given by a Zemindar of Kalahasti Damara Vengala Bhupala in his Telugu