Page:A Forbidden Land - Voyages to the Corea (1880).djvu/21

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Defieiency of Corean literature aa to the history of the country — Japanese and Chinese flources — Earliest mention of Coraa 4000 years bnck — First reliable accouuta — The Chang dynaatj overthrown in China by Vouvang — Foundation of the kingdom of Tchaoaien by Kitsii-His BuccesBors — Division of China into seven Statea-Conquest of Tchaoaien by Ten — Tain unites China, and tahes the name of Taai-chi-hoang on becoming Emperor — Erection of the wooden boundary wall between China and Corea— The Huns invade China— Bc-eatabliahment of the kingdom of Ten — Kiaotong deposes the Kitsu djnnsty— Kaoutaou, founder of the Han dynasty — Weiman in™dea Tclmoaii'n, eipela Kiaotong, and ia acknowledged king by China — Makea Pieng'an bis capital-Tenkiii, grandson of Weiman, declares himself independent — Is attacked by the Emperor Wuti and beats hira — Aaaaasination of Tenkiii^Tchaoaien made a Chinese province; its reconstruction as a separate State-Foundation of the kingdom of Kaoli (Korie) by Prince Tchuming— The tribes of the Weimg and Oklafi— The lieu, ancestors of the Manlchua — Foundation of the kingdom of Petsi by Kaoteoug, king of Tchaoaien— The Mihan and Pienhfiu — Foundation of the kingdom of Sinra by lluk-ko-ae — The Sinhin— Kaoli, at war with China, occupiea Leautoug — The Japaneae invade Sinra with the help of Petai— Goeiking, king of Kaoli— iluontu destroyed — Buddhism first introduced in Corea-Continued feuds between the three States— Erpul«ioa of the Japanese— Eecapture of Leautong by Kaoli — The Emperor Tangti aaaails Kaoli and takes Pieng'an — la defeated by Tuen — Yuen's successor, Kien, aaaaasinated — The Emperor Taitsong subtlues Kaoli — War between Kaoli and Petsi with Siurn— Victory of the last-Union of the States of Tchaoaien and Kiioli — Sinra masters the whole country to the Talou — Tangkiea frees Kaoli and Petsi and defeats Sinra— Makes Sungyo his residence and conquers Petsi — Kauli unites all three States into One, and declares its allegiance to China-