Page:A French Volunteer of the War of Independence.djvu/309

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"advanced" members of the Convention. At last he found he could not conscientiously follow the leaders of the people, and in May, 1792, he went to England, expecting a change in affairs to soon take place. Then came the "10th August," and De Noailles was shortly afterwards proscribed as an emigre. His father, mother, and wife were guillotined. To return was impossible, so he went to the United States and settled at Philadelphia, where he became a partner in the banking house of Bingham and Co. He learned to speak English so well that on one occasion he conducted a law-suit that lasted fifteen days. Towards the close of the year 1800 his name was removed from the list of émigrés, but his business affairs in the United States were so extensive that he refused to return to France. In 1803 he went to Hayti on business, and there met Rochambeau, who entrusted him with the command of a fort garrisoned by 1800 men, but which was blockaded by a British squadron, whilst "20,000 blacks" (?) besieged it by land. Rochambeau, who commanded the main army of some 5000 men, was forced to capitulate, but was allowed to transport his troops to Cuba. De Noailles was summoned to surrender, but he replied