Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/103

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A VO its. Robert, as. 1907, MIss Scarlc,’an actress of ropnte; and si. in 1823, leavssxg, 3 George-Augustus-Frederick. 2 Thomas. 3 Francis. 5. Elizabeth, s’s. to Field-Marshal Grosvenor, nephew of ss. Walter-Aglionby, 8. 16 Feb. 1832; 0. 18 Jan. 1344. the let Earl Grosvenor. Sir Gilbert d. 4 flee. 1765, and was e. by his son, IV. Ssn GILBERT, MY., 8. in Oct. 1773; who Cs. 1st, in Aug. sn Cecilia-Priscilla, as. 13 April, 1851, to Liesst. -Col. GeorgeHarrissgton 1793, Lady Katherine-Sophia, 4th dan. of the late John Manners, Eaq. of Grantham Grange, eo. Lincoln, by his iv, Anna, m. 28 April, 1819, to James Walker, Req. of wife, Louisa Tellemache, Connteee of Bysart in her own light, by whom (whoa. in 1825) ho bad issue, 5. GsLssaT-JonN, created a peer, as Lerd .4aehsed is. Edward-Lionel, late capt. royal horse-guards (Blue). xis. William-Henry, as. in 1833, Sophirs-Matilda, only dan. Lord Avonsnore a, his fnthez 28 Nov. 1814. of Thomae Wright, Esq. of Upton Hall, co. Notte. Sir Gilbert m. 2ndly, 10 Aug. 1833, Mrs. Eldon, of Park Crescent, and had by her (who 0. 21 Oct. 1842) a son, iv. Arthssr, 8. 22 June, 1929. Sir Gilbest l. 26 March, 1891, and was .r by his eldest son, FRANK YELYERTON, Esq. of Blaekwater, ce. Css’k, is. V. Ssa Gsasrnv-Jouas, a distinguished Whig politician, 1701 ; as. 16 Aug. 1733, Elizabeth, dan, of Jonas Barry, Esq., Who was created BARON AVEI,AND sf A vetoes!, eo. Lincoln, and 1. 27 March, 1746, having by her (who 0. 1864) had, 26 Feb. 1896. Ha was t’. 16 Sass. 1795, and sss. 8 Oct. 1817, Walter who as. Elizabeth, dan. ot Rsbes-t Gentleman, Clementina-Elizaheth, eldest dan. of Peter-Robert, 10th I Esq. of Kanturk, es Cork, assd ci. leaving an only less, Lord Willoughby de Ereshy, and bad issue, I. Gstaear-Hraeav, present peer. 5. Clemenlina-Chasletto. is. Elizaheth-Ssplsia. Lord Aveland, who befos-e his elevatioss to the peerage was ragiatrars of the Conrt of Chancery in Irelaod, who as. eucceoaivcly M.P. far Boston, for Lincolnshire, and for Rutlandslaire, and who was Lord Lientessaist of Lincolnshire, 0. 6 Sept. 1867, and was a. by his only eon, GILBERTMrNRY, Charity. the 2nd assd prceasst BARON AVELAND. Creatissa—llaronetcy, 17 June, 1793-3. Barony, 26 Feb. BARRY YrtvraTow, a lawyer, an oratos’, and a statesman, 1896. Arsssa—Quarterly; let and 4th, erm., three pomeis, woe 8. 1716, and after attaissing the highest enainesace at the each charged with a cross, or; 2nd and 3rd, as.. a saltire, irish bar, was appointed in 1782, attosaaoy-gsnes-al of Ireland: esagr., erm. Cs-eat—On a mural crown, ae., a pome’ss, as in the arms, between two wings, displayed, erm. ,Ss’ppsrters —Oss either aide, a horse, sa., dneally gorged, and charged. on the shoulder with a horse-shoe, or. Mslla—Habere et Yslrerte,s, Baron Aasarasrc, co. Cork, and in 1800, Vsseouscr dispertire. Jeets—Nermanton Park, eo.Rutland, and Stockton ATONMORE. His lordship as. 2 July, 1761, Mary, dan. of Hall, so, Lincoln. Taste Hsssae—12, Belgra-e Square. William h’ngent, Eaq. of Clonloet, co. Westmtath, by Ursula AVON MORE. Avnoelsonsz, VtS000NT (Barry-John Yelves-ton), and 1 Sept. 1757, Mary, eldest dan. of John Bead, Esq. of East Baron Yelves’ton, of Avonmore, 00. Cork, in the I. BARRY-JORN, present viaeonnt. peerage of Ireland, 8. 21 Fob. 1790; vs. let, in 1311, is. William-Henry, of Whitland Abbey, Carmarthenahire, Jane, dan. of Thomas Booth, Eeq. of Whitehaven, by is. 2 March, 1791; sa. 3 Juno, 1829, Elizabeth-Lney, dan. whom (who ci. 1821) Ise has had issue, s. Barry-Charles, 8. 21 Nov. 1814; 0. II Jan. 1853. is. George-Frederiok-William, 8. 7 March, 1518, capt. M.A., only eon of the late Captain William-render S. Mayo militia rifles; ass. 12 Feb. 1857, Louisa-tenor, Eobarts, EN., of Fenryaa, Cornwall; Louisa-Anne, 555. dan. of the late Guy-Lennox Prcndergast, Esq., member 29 Jnne, 1919, to Monaienr Louis Gaston Salamon, lieut. of cenneil, Bombay, and ci. 26 Feb. 1860. n Sydney-Eloisa. as. 05 Jssly, 1899, to Foster Goring, i. Mary, of Thane Cottage, Arnswortb, Pombrokeshire, sT. Esq., 4th son of the late Sir Charles-Foster Goring, Bart. as. Mary-Augusta, ci. 7 Oct. 1941. sit. Adelaide-Matilda, Cs. July, 1866, to Major-General humphrey Lyons, HOE. Indian Army. His lordship at. 2ndly, 1 Aug. 1822, Cecilia, eldest Ida lordship ci. 28 Nov. 1814. sian. of Chas-lee O’Keeffe, Esq., and has had by her, Ara;s—Arg., three liens, rampant, gis .,.-s chief af the last. s. WiLLIAM-CRAss-Es, major BA., a knight of ths lied. Crest—A lion, paaaasat-regardant, gss. Jssppsrlers—Ta-a lioss s, jidie, 6. 27 Sept. 1824; so. 26 June, 1859, RosilyMarianne, regardant, ges. 0.felta—Benas2esstnr. ,Sessl—Bells lstv, e”. youngest dan. of the late Maj.-Ger. Sir Tipperasy. Charles Ashwerth, K.C.B., and widow of Edward Forbes, Raq., LBS., and has had issue, BARRY- 53 AVO NURENT, 8. 11 Feb. 1379 ; William-Waltsr-Agllvssby, 8. 7 May, 1869, 0. 3 May, 1861; Algernon-William, 8. 19 Nov. 1866; and Ollve-Ursnla 0. 1 Jan. 1862. 5. Letitia. 11. Louisa-Elizabeth. Hawee, 9th regt., only son of Col. Hawes, al.C.S., and rt. 18 Sept. 1864. Thslry, Edinbtngh. V. Maletta, m. 7 Oct. 1868, to Captahs Croftosa-T. -B. ‘assdeleur, 12th lancers, .sosa of C.-T. Vassdclenr, Esq. of Wardenstows;, eo. Weetmeatls. 3L Lncagc. BARRY. Fraacis, 1. 6 May, 1767. Mar3-. Elizabeth, as. io H. O’Keefe, Esq. of Marl,ls Hill, Co. Cork, and left a son, Cssantas O’lisare, Esq., one of the Letitia. youngest dan. of George Yelvcrton, Esq. of Belle Isle, eo. Tipperary, and was father of CECILIA, preaent VssooeNTaas AYONIOORE. His elder son, was made a P.C., and constituted lord chief baron of the Exchequer in 1754. in 1705, he was created SoreS Aghionby his wife, and had issue, s. WsLLsAaa-Css.sssxaa, his asseceesor. ci. Walter-Aglionby, 9. is! 1772 so. 28 Nov. 1791, Cecilia, eldest dan. of George Yelverton, Req. of Belle Isle, by whom (who sI. 1901) he left at his decease, 3 Jnne, 1824, 1 Eentinck-Waiter, is. in 1792; as. in 1829, the lion. Anna-Maria Bingham, 2nd dan. of John, let Lord Clanmorris, and 0, 01 Dec. 1837; she 0.21 Jan. 1868. 2 Benjamin-Chapman-Frederick, of Ballea, King’s Co., in holy orders, as. 1818, the Men. LoussaCatherine Bingham, 3rd dan. of John, 1st Lord Classmerris; thrir dan. Anaa-Flos-hae, was a,. 5 Aug. 1866, to Barclay Carrie, Esq., RN. 1 Maria-Letitia, so. in 1821, James Egan, Esq. 2 Cecilla-Ansia. sit. Barry, 0. mesas, in June, 1124. s. Maria, as. in 1791, to John, Sat Lord Clannserria, and is deceased - The viscoaint 0. 19 Ang. 1805, and waa a. by his eldeat eon, W,trsAn-C55ARLE5, 2nd viseocint, I. 0 April, 1762; -as. Came, Hanta, and had, and heir of John Morgan, Req. of Furnees, co. Carmarthen, and baa, William, 1,. 7 Feb. 18451; Mary-Ellzabetb, sss. 17 Nov. 1855, to the Rev. WsBiam-Pender Roberta, 43rd regt. de ligne, French aerriee; Henrietta-Maria. in. Augnstns, 6. in 1802; was married; assd l. 1861, having bad isane. 7 Feb. 1889. is. Louisa-Sarah, so. iss 1822, to the Rev. Andrew Sayes-a. M.A., reetesr of St. Mary do Crypt, and incssmbesst of Upleadon, both iss the co of Glonraster, eldest eon ‘,f Richard Sayers, Eaq., co. flublin, and ci. 10 April, 16f6. CroalieRa—Baron, 19 June, 1795. Viscennt, 10 Dee 1806.