Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/111

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BAI Elba, at. to James Campbell, Eag. of Dunmoro. Fennel-Jane, so. to Farquhar Campbell, Req. The eldest son, SIR WILLIAM BA5LLIE, of Pe’lkenlmet, bin 1734, created a BARoneT, 14 Nov. 1823; in 1315, Mary-Lyon, dan. of James Dennistonn, Esq. of Colgrain (and so-heir of her mother, Margaret, dan. of Allan Dreghorn, of Blerhairn), and had, I. WILLIAM, present baronet. II. JAME5DENiiIST0UN, t.inlSIT. III. Robert, bin 1818. xv. Thomas, ii. in 1523; ‘a. Elizabeth, dan. of James Ballingall, Req. of Anstralia, and has issue. v. John-Hope, 8. in 1325; d. 1817. ye. Alexander-Hope, t. 1817. vol. George-Angustus-Fredcriek, 8. 1823. s. Margaret-Breghorn. i, Margaret-Colqnhonn, S. neat. 12 Cot. 1868. ill. Janet-Sinclair. iv. Mary-Isabella, in. 3848, to Alexander-Barsn Setoo, s. Mary, as. in 1770, to Jobs Erekine. Eoq. of Dun, en. An Esq. of Preston, Co. Linlithgow. a’. Elizabeth-Pennel-Jaee. Ta. 1854, to Samuel-Reeve Ii. Catherine, Os. to James Rcnney, Eoq. III. Janet. Tucker, M.D., E.I.C.S., who S. 1817. vi. Helen-Jane. Sir Wilham 5. 26 Jan. 1831. Arms—Az., nine esteilee, three, two, and one, or, within s vi. Anne, on. 1790, to George Gordon, Eeq. ef ltalhead. bordure, counter, ncbuife, arg. and sa. Creel—Out of a vol. Charlotte, in. in 1782, to George, Lord Haddo, and of. cloud, ppr., an estoile of eight rays, or. Srpperlers—Two The second in the above list, but the 5th eon, lions, guardant, arg. Molts—In caliginc hirer. .Seal—Polkemenet, 1. DAVID Damn, lC.C.B., P.c., o. at Newhyth, Scotland. Linlitbgewehirs. BAIRD, ________ BAIRD, SIR DAVID, of Nowbytle, taking of Seringapatam, 4 May, 1799, when he headed the co. Haddington, 8.1 832,major, late storming-party, and led them on ts virtory. Sir David 74th Highiandere; a his father, as Baird, was commander-in-chief at the capture of the Cape 3rd baronot, Jan. 1852; ne 15 of Good Hope; snd his achievements in Egypt procured June, 1864, Ellen, 2nd dau. of insignia of the Crescent from the Sultan. At thebombardment Charles, 12th and present Lord in the battle of Corunna lost an arm, coon after the fall of Blantyre, and has DavID, 8. 6 the gallant Sir John Moore. SirDavid, who also held command May, 1865. IL iizcagc. TbefamilyofBaird is of remoteantiqnityin Northilritain. 13 April, 1509, with remainder, in default ofmaleissue, to his There is a tradition relating to it which states, that WILLIAM eldcet brother, Robert Baird, Esq. of Newbyth, no. Maddington, vnc L,ON, while hnnting in one of the south-west counties, happening to straggle from his attendants, was alarmed by Campbell, of Fern Tower and Loeklane, en. Perth; bnt of. the approach of a wild boar, and calling out for assistance, a witbent issue, at his eeat, Ferutower, Scotland (his widow gentleman of the name of Baird, who had followed the king, enrvived till 26 May, 1847) 18 Aug. 1820, when the baronetcy came up, and had the good fortune te slay the object of the devolved, according to the limitation, upon loin nephew, monarch’s alarm: for this signal service, WILLIAM conferred II. Son DAvID, 8. in 1765, wise oil. 10 Ang. 1821, Lady upon his deliverer large grants of land, and assigned him for Anne Kennedy, eldest dan. of Archibald, Msrqnees of Ailaa, his coat of arms, aboarpasaant, and forhismotto, “Deminns and had issue, fecit ;“ which arms are to he seen upon an aueientmonument a. Robert-Wynne, drowned Ii Oct. 1515. of the Bairds of Anchmedden, in the churchyard of BanS. GEOROC BAIRD, of Auchmedden, no. Aberdeen, chief of III. DAVID, present baronet. the elan, who was living in 3268, 51. Elizabeth, dau. of Alexander ,v. John-Erskine-Kenncdy, capt. RN., 8. 1511. Keith, of Trenp, brother to the Earl Marieckal, and v. William-Arthur, capt. 42nd Highlandero, 1’. 1859. was father of GILBERT BAIRD, of Anebmedden, ci. in 1170, Liliae, dan. VII. Jonathan-Peel, so. 7 Nov. 1867, Emily, only dan. of and heir of Walter Baird, of Ordinhivas, and had a numerous o. Margaret. in. 26 Nov. 1551, to Lord Gilbert Kennedy. issue, of which the eldest son, Groaos, of Ancbmcddeu, was 51. Hersey-Maria-Christina-Elizabeth. ancestor of the BAlBOa of that place, now represented by III. Alice-Anne, so. in i66i, to the Hon. sod Dcv. Arthur- FRASBE or FINDRACR (sin Duane’s Landed Gentry); and Sir David S. in Jan. 1812. tIes 4th son, James, founded the houses of Newbyth and Saughtou Hail. This J aslss BaIRn was a commissary of the Ecclesiastical en a eaeten, ermine, a sirorel, erect, ppr., ponsmei and hill, geld. Court in the time of CieAnLas 1. He had two Sons, Joan (Sir), a lord of session, under the title of Lord Newbyth, The following h Ihe royal grant, oegistered in lice Itemlda father of WILLIAM, created a Baronet ef born Scold, College, of lion noegmrnisliona and supportors given to Groe. in 1695, whose son and successor, Joan (Sir), 2nd hart., Sir David Baird, hoe lot Dart.— 5. s.p. in 1746, when the title expired. ha had entailed his estates upon his eousm, Wilbam Baird. Robert (Sir), of Saughton Hall. The younger son of James Baird, SIR ROBERT DAmn, of Saughteu Hall, in 55 id-Lothian, had, Hereditary Marshal of England, Grrrting. Whereas, by Warrant with other issue, Jawes, his successor, created a Parsed of under Our ltoyal Signet and Sign Manual, hearing date hoe Zfeve Ecelia in 1695-6, and WILLIAM BAInn, a merchant, and tlurfy-firot day of December lasI, We n-Gre goacioooly pleased one of the baillies of Edinbnrgh, who was father of WILLIAM BAIRD, Esq., heir to bie cousin, Sir John Baird, General of One Forces, to receive end n-ear Ihe Eniigns of the Bart. of Newbyth. He so. Alicia, 4th dan. of Johnston, of Cooler of the Crescent (of lice inpelior tiegree), ineliloled by Hiltown, no. Berwiek, by whom he had, with other issue Aehievemenho of tloe Brilislo Arson is Egypt. And n’loerrno h (there were in all six sons end eight dana.), I. ROBERT, of Newbyth, his successor, who in. 1st, his s Patent oondcr lIon Great Seal of Cur United Kingd’ocn, We have consin, a dan. of — Johnston, of Hilitowu, which lady foorther been plesoed te testify tloir sptenbsoinn , ‘f thoae aerverso el. s. p. He on. India’, about 1700, Hcreey-Chriotina-Siaria, by conferring on tloe said Ilejor-Greeral David Ilaird lion 2nd dan. of David Gavin, Esq. of Laoogton, co. Berwick, Boneoor of ltniglotloeod. An,h being desirous that Iloese marks hy Elizabeth his wife, sister of James, 7th Earl of Lauderdale, of Cur especial favour sheool,l he aloe eo,ooveved to Peatoeity by and cI. 10 June, 1828, having by her (who el. July, certain hono,orah,lz Armerial Ensigns nllnaive there-to, ltnoa’ 1829) had issue, I DAvID, 2nd bart., who succeeded his uncle. 61 BA I 2 William, deceased. 8 John, RN., midshipman, died a few days after the attack on Algiers, ofs wound on the bead, Sept. 1806. 4 Wynne, who ,a. s dan. of Col. Cerjat, ef Switzerland, and left one son, Robert-Henry, and a dau. deceased. 5 James, deceased. I Elizabeth, is. 1617, to Lt.-Cel. William Wanehopc, cf Niddrie, Mid-Lothisn, sod has han issue. 2 Christins-Maria-Hersey, ,a. 25 July, 1611, to William Menry, present Viscennt Strathallan, and d. 14 Feb 1867. It. DAVID, of whom hereafter. III. Joseph, maj.-gen. in the army, S. at the Cape of Good Hope, 4 April, 1816. Ide had in. in 1802. Esther-Charlotte, dan. of William, Lord Hivcrsdale, sod left Willialo: Charlotte, en. to Sir Anthony-Ceuingham Sterling, K. C. tI., and 5. 10 April, 1863 ; Alicia, m. to Capt. Andrew Waurhope, of Niddrio; a,id other children. gne, and was mother of Margaret, Msrebic’neee of Ailsa. xv. Alicia, is. 16 Sept. 1776, to Capt. Andrew Wsnchope. of Niddrie. v. Suiau,os.1806, toLt.-Col. 11. Cerjst, and of. lOApr. 1612. 8 Oct. 1705. 6 Dee. 1757, entered the hlritioh ssrviec at fifteen years of age, end achieved high military fame. liz repeatedly distingniehed himself in India, and pre-smtnently at the him the Order of the Bath from his own sovereign, and the of Copenhagen, he was wounded in the ehoulder; and in Ireland, attained the rank of general in the army, and was eel, of the 24th foot. Me was created a Baronet, and his heirs male. He so. 4 Aug. 1810, Miss Preston II. Archibald, drowned 15 Get. 1815. vi. Frederick, lient. 6th foot. Col. GA. liande, CD. (see peal HAw.oRneoe, V.). Charles Baillie-Hamilten. th’eatien—h3 April, 1005. Arros—Gs., a tear, psooant, rr: (‘rest—A boar’s head, erased, or. JIofto—Vi et virinle. GEORGE B. George she third, by the Grace of God of the United Riogdom of Great Brilain and Ireland, ICing, loofender of lhr Paith, he. To Car ltigbt trnely and Right Entirely-beloved Cousin, Charles, Docke of Norfolk, Earl Morohol, ond Our 10 allow Cur Irnoty and well-beloved David tieird, Esq., Major- Our Ally, the Grand Signior. in eommrmeoratieoi of lion moporlant sen-ieee rendeo-ed to Itce SnO,lioee Port by hoe gloriooe ye, therefore, that We of Cur Princely Crace aood Specoal faveur have given and granted, and by tloese Pr,’oenta do give and grant sonto him the said Major-General Sir David Baird, Our