Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/126

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and in the years 1661 and 1689, governor of the East India a lion, ranspani, hail sosoed and eroded, gn., for EoTsyss.Ls. Company. lie was afterwards treasurer of the household Cecil—A reindeer, stotant, or. ,Ssc;sporleeo—Bexler. a reindeer, to the Princess .bnno of Denmark, and, on her accession to or, gorged syith a plain collar, so-; sinister, alien, loll ossoed and the throne, Sir Benjamin was constituted her majesty’s enecued, go - Motto—Jay hsnnc canoe. Seot—Lengleat, Wocminsten, esiferer. lie in. Frances, dan. of Sir Allen Apsley, of Apsity, in Sussex, and dying 27 April, 1704, left isssse, ALLEN, his lseir. icier, of Clarendon Park, Wills, M.P.; so. ]si, LeenoraMaria, clan. sad Iseir of Charles howe, Esq of Gritworlh, and had by her (cr110 ci. in 1720) two dcms., Leonors, 10. to Br 0. liacasslay; and Frances, co. io Mr. Cooper, of Cocaborsvell, Wilts. Mr. Peter Balhnrst a. lndly, Lady Selina Shirley, dan. of Robert, 1st Earl Forrers, sod by hoc loft at Isis decease, 31 April, 1718, several sons sod dsos. The latlec wore, 1 Sousa, so. 1st, Arihar, Lord Itanelagls, sod lndly, Sir Jolso Elwell, hart., whose clan, by ussr ne. F’.-!., Ilervey, Rsq. (eec Iiesrev-Bsnscsov, hoer.); 2 Boorielta, in. Thea.Charles, Otis Viscoost Trscy 3 Anne, Is. lice 11cr. Robert Thisuleiho-syle, ti.B. (grandfaeher, by lsrr, of Tisoncas ‘fhistlehlswayte, Esq. of Seotlswiole, lianis, whose widow, Try4sena, don, of tlao Righi her. henry Balhorsi, Bishop of Norwich, ci. 18 Oct. I 902); 4 Cailnorine, cc. Sir Michael Malcolm, Ban.; i Charlotte, cc. Joslsna Lsngeon, Esq. of Ness-hen St. Leoe, cc. Somerset; 6 Francos, ccc. Anihony, Lent F’evcrslsacn 7 Elseobeth, e. Sir Thoseas Frederick, had., and sO. 1704; 1 Lonisa, as. George Ryana, Esq. of Appa Conni, Sarroy, and was snother of Selian, scifo of the Rev, Wthliens Bony, nod nsotlner of Ilso Venerable Aeehdeaeon hlony; 9 Mary, crlso ci. use 11cr. lIotiyer Allen, AD., reeler of Itodaoy 9101cc, 00. Soanorset, and had a clan., Anne Alles, wife of use Rev. Jelsn Eddy, A-St., rector of Whaddon, Wilts, and snouluer of the Itev. John Eddy, MA., and of Mary Eddy, so. in 1123, Is the Rev. Phslpes-Jolsn Bolt, 31.A. of Lincoln College, Oxford. (Sn Boson’s Ilielos-y of lice Royal Fcse,ifleo.) 10 Margaret. Beajnnnin,of Lidocy, in Glonocolershire (which property iso 3t uiragc. seceived sn exchange for Ins paternal eslate, Batlleadcn, Co. The Bathursts arc stated to have come into England in Bedford), end of Mixhary: ii. 1698, ii. l767.° the time of the lassos, froun a place called Batters, in the Anne, nc. to hoary lye, haq. of Inrnngdon, Berks. elnehy of Lmnobnrg. They gained a settlement near Battle, The eldnst son of Sir Benjamin Bathurot, ca. Snsse’n,whioh they called Boilers-hurst, which name BovssnnoT, Req., 31.1’., 1,. 1604, was advaunced to was evesitmclly essstnsotoel to Bathtsrst. In the Battle the peerage, 3 Jan. 1732, as Bac-ossfl,:l/,ccrat, qt Bait lea,lre, eo. Abbey mssnisnenln use scame is written variossoly Bathersl, Bedgoecu, and created, 27 Aug. 1772, Eano Baxnunsv, of Bodcherste, llothhssret, lao. Slost of the earliest of the Bolisa-el, eo. Sooem. lie cc. ho July, 1704, Catherine, dan. Mottle Abbey charters, Lw. in which the “ Bodehersto” are andbeireoooflcrPeter_polcy, of Apolcy, en. Snssex,bywhons mentioned ore dateleso. The scacoes oeescr as fellow (tvlnocl 1700) ho had, s. Bsnjaunn, SIP., ca Elizabeth, don. of Alan do Bodehcn’ot, living 1211, father of John do Bad- Charles, Lord Bruce, and 1. c. . 1767; ci. Roomy; cci. John) hssrst ; lIartin do b’c:dlnsrst on:l Ingrans rio Bodhnrst, of Sopperton, ce Glosseester, I. 1720, ‘1. 1777 ; uv.Allen, living te.ep. Enw inn I. ; Godfrey do Bedherot and Agatha LL.B., sn hr’ly orders, reet,cr of Beverstc,no and Sapperton, cie Bodherot, living fe’s;>. Enwoon I. ; William do Bothnrot- Glos;cester, I. 1729, 1. s’sc>,s. 1707; s. Frances, ,s. 1st, to gate, livisng Starch, 1140 ; John Bedhnrst, Steward of Witliona Wsdohonoe, Esq., JIll, who it. 1715, and lndly, to Battle, living 1 74—12; William Bsdhnrst, 1426 ; Johsi Jonses Whitehed, Eaq., SIP. ; so Catlaerinc, ni to the Hon. Botheeot, 1420; John 11c,telserste and Richard Betehoroto, Reginald t’oasrtesnay, and ci, 1713 ; sit. Jane, us. to Janneo 3433, father of Lxws;naccr R.svcunnsr, who in 1461 is said t’c Duller, Eoq., of Mosvnoo, SIP, for Cornn’all, and ,t. 1714 have been ottninted by Enwar.n 1 V. for adhereunee to the Leosiora, so to lIen. Urieston ; v. Anne, uo. to the Rev. canoe of the Risog, 1-Irxnv VI,, and to have had his “an- James Bosssosc, LI. B. This usshleman, who was distinlhesst castle” demolished. A portiocs csf the property is gsssohed for hss sc-ct, taste, tnid leas’snisg, and who lived to still known by the scasne of Bathnrst W’eod, aund in the see hsa 2nd son lord chancellor, ci. (frccm a fall from isis latter part of the lass cessitsn’y same traces of the r:sins of hrroe) 10 Sept. 1771, aged 91, and was o. by that 2nd ausd the castle were to he f,issnd. None eon, however, be seen elclost surviving son, at tho present time. This Lawrence rethed to Crausbrook, Iteanv, Lstd earl, 5. 2 Slay, 1714, an enaincsst lawyer, ;vho en. Rent, end h:s’i on only son, t,ownexre Mavnnnsv, of had been elevated to the leoero:;e himself, s:psn being coss— Canterhnry and Csonhrecsk, who was father of another stitntesl Loan TRess Cnea,es,nnn (‘F Gnxxv Ba,vosx, in Lswnsacr Bovssns:sv, of Canterhnry, t’snnbrosh, and the digssity of Bers,c A1selry, of Apoley, co. Stoner, 21 Jan. Staplehssrat, co. Kesst, who is. a dass. of Robert Chapman, 1771. His lordship was previ’noly one of the judges of the Esq.. and had, c. ltnw.snn, of Staptehscrst, living 1221 ; cc, cam-b of Ccnossnsn l’leao. Tue reel si. lot, atnne, doss.. of Robert, f hioremosaloss, cc. KenI, ancestor of Bathursto, — Jomos, 1lsc., assd widow of Ghas’les Phitipo, Eoq., Inst by Barts.,of Leaehlade, Os. Gloccesoter, now extinct or dormant that lady had ste issne. lie ccc. 2nd15-, 11 Jcsne, 1729, Ti2-— (.rc Bunos’s Ext i,sel B,seontletge) ; asad isa. John, of Staple— phesca, eian. ccl Thomas Scawese, Eatj. of Maidwell, and left bsunst. The eldest sen, at his doesaso, Rowena Bcvscs’eae, wa- father of Laos> r.oev Il,oocsunsx, on al’lerseean of Loudest, I. 3529, Apsley, l).C.L., joiat clerk of tics erosro, 5. 1761, ,t. in Jan. who a. Jsi’lith, den. ‘ ‘f ll,cs’saard ltanelcchph, Esq., of Lessrhosi, Try’hena, si. scold. in 1134. Catherine, ,?. ansi. in 1137. and of lVardio, Sussex. sctd hod issne. Alderman Bathurot, Seina-Leuiuia, it. u,,,,e. 1127.Sasannah, sO. I lIamlc, 1147. its the lesahnsiscg.f hdie.c,,rvn’s c-eigsc, was posoeeoeet cef the The each sI. 6 _tog. 1794, and cycle o. 155’ his sosc, manor of Franks, ice Kent, which deyc,lvecl eon his elilost Oslo, Ilasedolph ansi his descendants. The alderman’s 4th Ilcaccy, ledearl, KG., Pt’., F.SA., and DCL., esseef the sot, Genoa-n BATnreev, Ene1, 1’. 1117; ,,c. 1st 1610, Elizabeth, dan. anT es-heir ‘‘I R,isvarel Vilhiero, Req. if ltsnvtiocsrpe, * By Its first wife, Ficeelia. clan, ant so—Iscir of henry Poole, co. Nortleacnictoun, an,h thscn aeqcsirissg lhat estate, settled Esq. of htesnhle, us Wilts, Reasoassa Exvnuaov load tsrenty-tsro there. SIrs. B,cblssnnot 1. 1610. Tlses’e were, of the snars’iage, children: of ssltens ohs el:scs. 01,5cc had isaac, suanuely, Anne, wife thirteecu onuno sued fssesr classo. ; six r,f the forsner rued ho the of Charles Bs’agga, ksq. sf1 less hill, Gloescestershire, seho toss - ‘cc f CnA:Ln I dorm’’ tIc cis’I ‘a-- Tb — nuolicer of she l,,enp hose’. Coonono-Bsoons Boxsssssox, father of - e , th the hate Cn.ssoso ilaTnrsev, Esq. of Lidney Park, cc. Glen,setc, Dr. R.dph B:,tlescs at, II.]). 31. B., dents of Bath asenl ceslen, sshuo ci. Sl Jan. 1043 (eec Basses Lssnsled Gessiry) and of IVolls, ehaplaise t,’ the Icing; hereshlesot of Trinity College, tise Ret’. IV. Ililcy, 11::tharsl. hiyisis soeond n’ifo, Couherisac, dau. Oxford, 5. 1420, weso a eliettsc ;nishod sott sused L:,ttse poet, :cn’l of hasvnenec Ilnoehnieh, 11.11., Ice Isad fossniecic eh:itclneue, of nelsens one of the fenndors of the Royal Society. Shr. George lice third sons, tlathssrot’O youngest ssse, foe hlsosm Rev. lheascx Bovnunsx, l:ielsop of Norsviehu, 1,. is Sir Mc JAMS’, hevntn r fit 11 p nvns elected ss the ntue5c?ta1 ant t icc t los if lilacs Clinics eeigssof Ccuxssoeo II ,hovenueor of the lIayalAlnceasc Cosuspany; decease, 2 Apu’il, 1137, a oaineaons and distinguished fasnily-. BAT BAT Wilusluire. B A T H U II S T. BATBUBST, E cnn (Wifliana-Lonnox Batle orot), uf Bathnrot, co. Suosox, Baron Batlsnnst, of Battlooden, eo. Bedford, and Baron Asslsy, of Apsloy, co. Sussex; former)y Clerk of the Privy Council, b. 14 Fob. 1791; r. his brother as 5th earl, 25 May, 1866. htcxnx, Soc’l Aj’oicv. 10111, cus,c:u. tellers of tIcs Exohcqnsr, asn,l eleu’k of the orewss ; 5. 22 Slay,