Page:A Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage of the British Empire Chunk 1.djvu/133

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BEA NuRsE’s Loorlec[ Gentry) and has Gilbert, I. tl May, 1802; spaeial letters-paint, deelasthsg “that notwithstanding the Cuthbert, 5.25 AprIl, 1803; Mouton; and another dan. t. Cathertue, us. 1 July, 1830, Edward-Wtddtngton tttddell, said Henry was begotten and born hi foreign parts, nevertheless, I Eeq., 2nd sen of the late Ralph Riddeli, Req. of Felton. is. 1[aria, st young. in. Mouton, ri a nun. [0 in. lndiy, in 0029, Honrietta-Lnvinia, 2nd dan. of the horn there.” Lord Beasimont ci. in 1542, and was o. by the ito Riohard-Fitegorald Anotor, Eoq., and had by her, s. Bryan-John, t. tn 1831; si. 24 June, 1837, Mary llelcnAlicia, HENRy nu BEAUMONT, 3rd lord, who so. the Lady Slargas-nt only dan. of J.-T. Dolsnan, Esq. of Souldorn house, 1300, was i. by his only child, Oxon. is. llornan, li in 1834. sn. Robert 8. in 1835. s. Lavinia-Slary, us. in 1853, Co A. )lathoson, Esq., H.P., of Ardroso Castle, and ii. 30 Sept. 1855. [r. Stapleton ci. in July, 3839. Rio oon and hoir, Mn,Eo-TnoMAo STAPLETON, Esq. of Carlton, wao sumloned ltenv, who o. as 5th lord Beaumont. by writ to the house of Poors, 10 Oct 1540, ho hoing TnoNAs, of whesn presently. Richard. ne.of the co-heirs to the Barony of Beaumont tie was 5. Lord Boaninont it inc 3390. liii 0 nd son, June, 1805; m. 9 Sept. 1844, loabolla-Anno, oldoot. dan. of Tsenaas BEAUMONT, being lord of Baoquervtlle and Captahs ,ord Itilmaine, and cL 10 Aug. 1814, leaving isone, 1. HENRY, present poor. is. STiles, 5. 37 July, 1850. s. Agnes, ri 14 Feb. 1801. Creutiea—4 STarch, 1300. Arsas—Qnarterly: let and 4th, srg., a lion, rampant, as., for Jonie BEAUMONT, Esq., who rosidod at Overton. This npi.ETON, 2nd and 3rd, arg., two bars, and ia chief, three gentlensan was slain, ins 1450, with his eonain, John, Viacount seaflops, an., for EnstroTox. NB—When Lard Beaumont’s isasse, by Joan, dan. of John, Lord Daroy, tn’s ooisa; the neestor took the surname of SvAeLEroN, he had permission a ooe the arms of STAPLeTON alone, or quarterly with thoso of younger of whom, ORE IN 0 TON. Creel—A Saracen’s head, in proNe, eonped at tho shoulders, GEOROE BEAu55ONT, Esq., us. Joan, dan. and heiress of pr., wroathed about the temples, or and an. Supporters—Two talbot dogs, arg., each with throe gutties dying 22 HENRY VIII., was s, by his son, e sang, gu. MoRo—Oa an ski sloorlrsrrt, Slievlxjo sera. Seat—Canton, Solby, Yorkshire. BEAUMO NT. BRAUBONT, SIR GEORGE-RowLAND, of Buekinghasn. SIr. Beaumont was i. by his eldeat son, a of Stotaghton Grange, on. RemAnD BEAUMONT, Rsq., whn cf in 1030, and was s. by Leicootor, 5. 12 Sept. 1828; f. bin him son, father, as 9th baronet, 1845; we. fss,sp. Es,izAueTn. lila gentleman us. Anno, dais, of William 4 Juno, 1850, Paulina.Monzioo, Saunders, Esq. of Welford, en. Northampton, and had, with 3rd dan. of W. - Hallows Dclii, othor issue, Eoq., ETC. nyu oerv., and niece s. hENRY (Sir), who petitioned JAI’co I., ineffectually, to revive of Dr. Rowley, Archbishop of Canterbury, and has issno, 5. GEoaox-H0wLANO-WILLCAM, 5. 10 Slaroh, 1851. si. Franela-Ifowley, b. at Naples, 11 Fob. 1854. iss. Frodortek-Lonis-Manreword, 6. 17 June, [802. iv. Henry-Cecil-Charles, 6. 24 April, 1804. 1. Lina-Slary-Howley. 55. Eleanar-Graeo-Caroline. ItiIltEflt. The eurname of this vory ancient tomily to derived frons the city of BEAevIonY, in France, which formerly gave tttlo The yosnagest son, ‘so a oueeesstou of viscounts, whooe hoireos, Aonne no BEAUsoar, Sin TnoasAs BEAUMnNT, hint., sss. Catharine, dau. amid conveyed the seigoenry to her husband, Louss, 2nd heiress of Thomas Farnham. Eeq. of Stonghtoms Grange, and son of JonN, King of Jernoalom and Sicily, and nephew of aoquired that estate. Sir Thomas had sevoral ehtldron, of Louis TX. of France. The 4th son of thto lady, ) Runny uS BEAUMONT, came into England, according to whem, Elinshoth, sss. 1st, Sir John Aohlsnrsshain, and 2odly, 3eoeral onppooition, at the inotaneo of ELEANOR, wife of Sir Thnmao Riehardsoss, lint., chief justice of the Common RuwAno I., and obtained high and confidential employment t’leao, and was created BAnoNras os CnAasoan in the peerage from the crown, with extensive ten-itorial grants. This s. by his eldest son, 8minent person, who was brother of babel, wife of John, Sin HENri BEAUMONT, lint, of Stonghton Grange, who Lord Veoei of Alnewicke, is styled in our roeordo, “concuR. compounded for his eatates nuder the Consnsonwealth. lie eenseo regis;” and, amongot his other offices, ho was nsade its. Eltoaheth, dan. of Sir William Tnrpin, of Knaptoft, by King of the Isle of Man fur life, by tho same tenure that ito the Hon. Elirabeths Fienues, dan. of Lord Say; and dying lerda usually hold it under the Kings of Scotland. He was in 1040, was s. by his eldest sod, likewise summoned to parliament ao a baron, 4 Starch, I. TuoMAs BEAUMONT, Esq. of Stossghtou Grange, co 1309 and sworn of the privy council. Rio lordship us. Leiooster, who wae created a Barosset, it Feb. 0000-1. Sir Alice, dan. and at length heir of Alexander Comin, Earl of Thomssao sss. Elimahoth, don, and co-heir of Sir Nicholas ‘Buohan, in whose right ho became oonetable of Scotland, Trott, Ent. of Qniekswood, cc. tfortford, by Shary, dan. and obtaisaed the manor of Whitwieke, in Leiceaterohire, and co-heir of Sir George Pes-ient, lUst., and had (with two where he was licoused to eonvort the manor-house into a daus., Jane and Mary), castle. Lord Beaumont ci. 1340, (for a more ample account s. Itcwssv, his successor. of this nobleman, refer to Bratsox’s Rated carT Llersaont is. Thomas, in holy ordert, iss. Snsannsh, dan. of the Rev. Peeroge,) and was o by his son, JOHN DOS BEAUMONT, 2nd Baron, summoned to parliament William Oldys, P.R., and had four sons (one nf whom only 25 Fob. 1341. Ho lordohtp sa. the Lady Aliannre Planta‘genet, left a don.) and two dans., Elizabeth, is,. to ‘sVilssm ttayley, dan. ni Henry, Earl of Lancaster, and great-granddan. us. WiLLiAM, of Great Dcsnsnow, in Essex, u-ho was buried of HENRY Itt., by whom he had an only child, BENny, boris in Brahant, during hor ladyalsip’s attendascee upon in 17191 ut- Jane, dan. of John Waits, Emq. of Leseesteeshire, Philippa, queeneoosort of Eow.snn III. ; in consideration of wlsieh eircumstanoe, Lord Beaumont procured the king’s 83 BEA in regard it was by reason of h;o and his lady’s attendanee on the queen, he should be repnted a lawful heir, and inhorit the lands in England, as if he had been said do Fore, dais, of John, Eas-l of Oxford, and dying in JOaN BEAUMONT, 4th lord, E.G., snsnmoned to parliament froen 20 Aug. 1383, to 13 Nov. 1393; who us Kathorine, dan. and heiroao of Sir Thomas do Everingham, of Laxton, and had tuane, of Galliarde, wao retainod by Jolsn l’lantagenet, Duke of Bedford, Regont of France, to sora-o in thn French wars. If e in. in 1458, Philippe, don. anst heiress of Sir Thomas Slanreward, and waa o. by his eldest son, Beaumont, at the battle of Northampton, loavsng Sir Thomas Panneefort, of Northahl, Os. Gloucester; and WiLLIAM BEAUMONT, Eaq., who so. SCary, dan. of Sir William Basset, oi Blore, In Staffordshire, and had several chilstrsn, of wlsom .Antossy, the third son, was father of Mary, who iii. Sir Charlns Fillies-a, Rut., and was oreatod, after tho decease of her husband, Countess of Bnekingham; she was mother of John Viuies-s, Vioeount Pnrbeek; Chrietopher Fillies-a, Earl of Anglosoy; and Goorge Villiers, Doke NICMOLAe BEAUMONT, Eoq., SIP, for the Co. Leicester, in his person the vimoeunty of Reamnont, forfoited by John, Viscount Beaumont, ‘cs-ho felt at the battle of Nortisanahston, fighting condor the banner of Lancaster. Sir henry us. Elloabeth, don, and Iseireis of Thomas Lewis, Esq., and was e. by his only ion, TnocmAe, who was created a Baronet in 1019, andaftenrards elevated to the peerage of Ireland, as V,sooomsr BAAnesoar, honoors u’hteh ovpired with his grandson, TnncsAs, 3rd viwonut, who ,T. II June, 1782, op., bequeathing his ostatos to Isis cousin, Sin Gooxon BEAUMONT, liart., of wisoni Isereafter. xi. TnnssAo. of Scotland. Sir Thomas Beanmoist ci. in 1040, and was SIB.; and Arabehia. by Jane, his wife, dan. of Sir Tlsosssas Bnrton, Bart. of Stookerstos, and had two cons, tise euler of wisom, WiLLiAM, its. Elinaboth, dais, of Wilhtoos Joedoin, Esq. of u2 IJ